The Beginning

5 years, 16 days ago

Origin of Yona

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The Beginning

“You silly fox,”

 Sneered the girl, “look at you now, I told you I’d do it.”

Red and blue eyes glared at her vanishing body.

 “A sacrifice worth making, The Sun and Moon will forgive me, but your fate is deserving,” she spat, shutting her eyes with a devilish grin.

“See you in The Neverend, bitch”


Pale blue eyes scanned the horizon, a young maiden dressed in elegant cloth wandered towards the bustling village. Warm sand enveloped her feet with every step, a soft crackle would fill the air as she got closer.

People welcomed her with a bow, throwing flowers in her trail. Long lilac hair, wrapped up in bundles, swayed in the cooling wind, that fell from the frozen mountains.

“Yona, you’ve arrived, I pray that your journey was safe” a passerby uttered, looking at the maiden who simply smiled gingerly, something was off. Her features were adorned with a rosey glow that made her look out of place in the village, full of weathered beings with plump bodies. In the centre of the village, a huge fountain filled with crystal clear water gushed; streams snaked through the village into large rivers, that travelled to the furthest corners of the desert, giving life to surrounding villages and vegetation. 

Yona, who was the maiden, slinked into the water, an enormous crowd surrounded her at the shores. Flowers floated by and villagers closed their eyes and put their hands to the sky. Kneeling into the water, Yona raised her arm and spoke sharply;

“Sun, hear my call, allow me the power to bless the fountain once again, with your health and protection.”

Yona placed her hands atop the water and leaned down, her lips made ripples in the fountain as they touched its warm body. A shimmering glow formed in the water and surged through the desert, a warm wind blew past, as if the Sun kissed the desert itself. The crowd stayed silent, usually there were cheers and celebration, something was wrong. 

Yona slowly turned to see the chieftain looking at her from his local shrine, which over the years began to focus on him rather than the lustrous maiden. A blunt voice erupted from the pudgy man.

“This village is bountiful in resources, I rule a vast majority of this land, yet I still stand second to you, a girl who claims to be born from the sun.”

Yona narrowed her eyes, staying quiet as the man’s words piqued her interest.

“Still no words? We not worthy of receiving your wondrous fortune? Well, it’s about time I got my place in the Golden Lands. I will be the first without you here, so prepare to be gifted to the Solar Queen as I reap my rightful reward.” He sniggered.

The maiden suddenly realised what was happening but firm grasps held her arms and dragged her back to the shore. Hands tied and a rope struck around her neck, she growled. 

“Pathetic humans, your greed has blinded you, The Sun will not reward you.”

The chieftain huffed and slapped her face, leaving a red imprint, Yona’s eyes pierced him as her mouth coiled into a disturbing smile “just see what happens” she hissed.

Without hesitation the lever was pulled and she was lifted into the air, a sharp snap occurred and the rope was instantly burnt to a dark crisp, Yona stayed aloft, a gross line across her neck where the rope penetrated. The villagers were laced with awe and shock, a blubbering chieftain slamming his fists into the walls demanding what kind of Neverend magic was happening. 

Yona’s empty eyes now shone a brilliant yellow, horns arising from her now frizzy hair. A long swooping tail whipped the air and her body was decorated with vibrant gems as her eyes gazed lazily onto the insufferable Chief. A small chuckle echoed through the silent village.

“Sacrifice the real Solar Queen to The Sun? Well, that is a stupendous idea”

Her smile soon fell into a sinister stare. The Sun began to glow brighter, the village began to feel hotter.

“You are not worthy of this land”

Yona spat, and with a click of her finger a heavy solar wind knocked down buildings and sizzled crops, the water began hissing and steam shrouded her body as she vanished into the thick mist.

The village became hysterical, their feet burning as they ran for cover but no where was safe. People fled out the village into the treacherous depths of the scorching desert seeking salvation, many did not survive the journey to the bleak mountains.


The desert was now a desolate wasteland, with remnants of previous civilization long forgotten. Descendants of those who seeked refuge in the mountains have since depleted into small, scarce communities, scattered among the mountain ranges. Frightful blizzards and dangerous predators kept the once proud people of the Divine Desert, into humble servants of the Sun and Moon. Never once challenging their power again. Those who dare venture into the desert are met with a terrible fate.


Unless you’re Minecha.