Kujoint nekoko
4 years, 9 months ago
232 3

Author Credit(s):

Writing © thuncler-dork

Character Credit(s):

Yoake Nokoribi © AbcranEvan

Boku No Hero Academia © Kohei Horikoshi

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Tamaki fidgets with his tie as he stares up at the sky above, the rain is coming down heavily and he needs to make a move to get back inside. He reaches up and cards his fingers through his messy dark hair with an anxious sigh. Of all days to not have an umbrella! He hunches his shoulders inward and hides his face in his hands as he backs up until he hits the wall behind him. The only thing keeping him dry right now is the awning above.

"Amajiki?" He knows that voice, it brings him a little bit of relief as the elf-eared teen brings his hands down enough to see the purple-brown hair of Yoake. In his hands is a purple umbrella, and the smile he gives Tamaki makes his shoulders relax more. "Come on, I'll share my umbrella."

Tamaki nods slowly and pushes himself off the wall, anxiety calming down the slightest as he takes Yoake's outstretched hand. He's pulled gently under the safety of the umbrella and gives a nervous smile to Yoake. "A-ah...thank...thank you Yoake." He says softly, dark blush coating his cheeks.

"Can't let you get soaked, huh?" Yoake says as he laces their fingers together.

The pelting sound of the rain wasn't so bad under the umbrella, at least not with Yoake there. Tamaki didn't mind the rain so much right now.