The Racrar Exodus (Oasis)(Summerwing)

4 years, 7 months ago
4 years, 7 months ago
2 736

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 7 months ago

The Racrar Exodus with Oasis the garxie and Summerwing the flyena

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Writing 1

Summerwing couldn't understand what was going on, she was still a pup.   All the flyenas were scared and disappearing.  Creatures that were once  friends now targeted the flyenas for food.  Flyenas were also fighting  each other over food.  When will the flyenas come back?  Where is all  the food?

Summerwing wondered if it had to do something with  those strange colors in the sky.  She remembered being thrilled by the  beautiful colors in the sky, but she also remembered that the other  flyenas seemed to be afraid of it.

Everything was so dark and  scary that Summerwing was startled when she stumbled upon a weird  puddle.  She saw a sky and grass in the puddle.  Thinking it was a  reflection, she turned around but saw nothing but a desolate wasteland.   She looked at the puddle again and the sky and grass were still there.   She even saw trees.

Summerwing was busy staring at the puddle  when suddenly a strange flying creature appeared there and startled her.   The creature stared at her.  When the creature was about to fly away,  Summerwing pounced at it and fell through the puddle.