A Father's Love

4 years, 8 months ago

Chitsime's life as a young pup

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As soon as Chitsime was born, and Bane made sure his sweet mate was asleep and resting, the alpha rushed up to his cousins' quarters. He couldn't contain his excitement, they just HAD to know!!! He had cried, he had never felt so happy, he had never felt so relieved to see both Chitsime, and Mirazh was okay.

Without even waiting for an answer he burst in Actaeon's room grinning like a opossum. He presented little Chitsime as if he were Simba. The pup squeaked his tiny tail wiggling. Before waiting for a response he did the same to Morsov who cheered for his cousin. He threw himself into Furi's cave, the female with a look of concentration on her face as she barely even registered someone had entered.

That was until Bane set the pup down and he trudged right for Furiosa's leg. It had been hot the passed few days so the female was without her characteristic desert gear, an uncommon sight to see the females full pelt. Her fur exposed she immediately felt the tiny hands tugging on the fluff of her ankle. 

Finding Chitsime she lifted the tiny mans and carefully cradled him standing in a way that would disturb the yawning and snuggling pup the least. Furi pulled the goofy male into a hug, not know for her affection, to say Bane was surprised would be an understatement. "Congratulations, Bane. He's beautiful. You deserved this, more than anyone." 

The new father beamed more. Furiosa was always stoic, to see her so giddy with the newborn was absolutely adorable. She let Chitsime play with her fingers and gnaw on them. He headbutted her hand rubbing his face against it before yawning. "Seems this little one is tired, best let him go sleep with mom." 

Bane smiled taking his leave to go back to Mirazh. Mama was waiting patiently for the doting father to return as they headbutted each other lovingly Chitsime was handed off to sleep in his mother's thick, soft fur. He let out another little squeak and he nuzzled into her tangling tiny hands into the overgrown locks. 

He was perfect.