Home Left With Her

4 years, 8 months ago

Vuvalini heads on her rite.

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Vuvalini took a deep breath as she looked at the tribe gathered before her. She was beyond ready. She wanted tl see the world. She wanted to find love. She wanted to settle down. More than anything she wanted to tell her family stories of where she lived and places she had been.

She knew now she didn't belong in this desert. Sure family was home, but so was the world. She had to find her own place in it, and that wasn't in Mesquisa. She of course would visit, they were her family after all, but The Dunes didn't call to her like they did her aunt. No, she heard calling from the swamps, from ancient tribes, and ferryman.

After goodbyes, Actaeon pulled Vuvalini aside to speak with her. He handed her a blade he had crafted, a tradition he did for all tribe members. However, he also handed her a locket he had carved from the stone by the sacred pool.

"This will protect you, though I'm not sure you'll even need it." He smiled and kissed her forehead. "I will miss you, but know I am so incredibly proud. You'll do great in this world." Vuvalini could feel tears brim her eyes as she hugged the large male.

Both smiled as Lini tied the charm around her neck, it was beautiful. "Go find your place in this world." "Thank you father." She gave another tight hug before running from the tribes borders, heading into the unknown. Home was no longer Mesquisa.