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4 years, 8 months ago

Vuvalini settles after her rite

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While it was fairly common to return to Mesquisa after ones rite, Vuvalini fell in love with the ancient tribe in the swamps. It was unheard of for them to take outsiders, so when they extended an invitation to her, she couldn't refuse. The leader was as impressive as her own aunt. 

A large alpha with fur split down the middle, one half black and white, the other varying blues. Her tail was split and not by an injury. She was named Azura and she was a creature of elegance and hope, far different than the gruff and ready for anything Queen of the desert.

Vuvalini had found her new home and she couldn't be happier. She fell in as a warrior, lead warrior. She led patrols and taught pups like her father. Azura often to watch sessions while waiting for her husband to come home. She was sweet and encouraging to the pups. Lini was sure she wanted one of her own.

Azura's parents also lived in the tribe, they weren't even considered eldery, they were still in their prime. The male was massive, even bigger than his wife who was albino and had tiny nubs for horns. He had two sets of horns and was black and orange in color. A very interesting duo to say the least.

Vuvalini smiled. Yeah, this place really felt like home.