Love Not by Blood

4 years, 8 months ago

Meridia's life as a pup

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Meridia wasn't sure where she had been before the swamp. Or who had birthed her. Or why she was abandoned to die. She did know luck had been on her side. She was laying helpless when a boat with a set of brothers inside. The smaller of the two pointing her out the other had cloth around his head, over his eyes.

"There's a pup Charon!" "Bring it home." "What?!" The toskal looked at his alpha brother like he was crazy but scooped the pup up. "Well now what? You really think Azura will let you keep it." "YEAH!" Charon smiled as he was handed the baby. "She's so bright no wonder they left her out here if they were trying to hide she'd give them away.

Charon played with the pups belly with his feet as the brothers piloted the ship. It wasn't long before they reached the land and he was met with soft arms around him. "Azura, I have a small surprise for you." "Oh? Go on then, what is it?" The chimera smiled. 

She blinked and shook her head not believing her eyes as her mate lifted his tail to show a small, almost glowing, pup clinging to it. "Oh my! She's so cute!" She scooped Meridia up and nuzzled her. "No parents?" Charon shook his head. "Well...then we'll raise her! And name her Meridia! She'll be a little beacon of light and bundle of joy!" She held up Meridia who let out a tiny little squeak looking at her new mom with ringed eyes. "Yes you'll know love yet, little one."