
4 years, 9 months ago
1000 1

What happens during the aftermath of Kija

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Amongst the commotion and clean up of the aftermath from the battle with Kija, Ammon takes this chance to leave the room as hastily as he could. He can feel something…something welling up inside of him and it made him feel helpless. So, he ran; away from the others, away from the corpse of Kija, away and off by himself. Without realizing, he found himself in the castle courtyard and took a seat on a nearby bench. He felt so overwhelmed by a sudden surge of emotions. Ammon had finally defeated the man that had been haunting him for so long and now he just doesn’t seem to know how to feel about it. While he does feel a great sense of fulfillment because he had avenged not only his death but the deaths of everyone from his village but…he also feels dissatisfied and empty, almost as if Kija’s demise was too good to be true. Ammon hid his face within his hands, not wanting anyone to see him during his moment of weakness even though he was alone…or so he thought. Ammon had been so distracted that he didn’t notice he had been followed by Sachi.

Sachi had seen Ammon leave quickly as many others had ran inside the room where the battle had occurred. They trailed after him, wondering what was the matter and if Ammon was okay. But, as they came up upon him, Sachi immediately could tell that the large man was not okay. “Ammon?” they called out softly as they approached him, not wanting to startle him.

Ammon doesn’t look up but softly answers, “Sachi?” 

Sachi made their way over to Ammon, sitting next to him as they place their hand on his back. They began to rub his back in a slow, comforting manner. They said nothing. How could they when they didn’t fully understand what he was feeling, what he was going through. But even so, Sachi decides that they wanted to be here for Ammon.

“Sachi…”Ammon whispered, a slight quiver in his voice, “What do I do?” He sighed a long drawn out sigh, clenching his fists tightly. “I killed him…I killed him and yet-!” Ammon’s voice continued to waver as he spoke, “Why do I feel like this! Why do I feel so empty!? Like I’ve accomplished nothing!?” His voice cracked and quietly…Ammon began to sob into his hands.

Sachi remained quiet, continuing to gently run their hand back and forth across his back. It hurt them to see the stoic Ammon, crying again. However, they also felt relieved and believed it was good for him to get his emotions out like this, hoping this would be his first steps towards healing. 

Through his tears, Ammon speaks “…Thank you, Sachi.” He sniffs softly, “I apologize for troubling you.” Ammon looked up at Sachi with a somber smile and small tears running down his face.

Upon hearing his soft voice and seeing his tear streaked face, Sachi felt the need to comfort him. “It’s alright.” they say tenderly as they cupped Ammon’s face, their thumbs brushing away his tears, “You’re no trouble at all. I think you getting all of this out is a good thing.” They truly believed this; Ammon had been through a lot.

Ammon goes quiet for a moment before asking in a low voice, “Sachi, would it be alright if I held you? For only a moment?” There was something about them that Ammon found comforting. Not to mention, he had been feeling the desire to hold them for quite some time now. 

A small smile spread across Sachi’s lips as they wrapped their arms around Ammon’s bulky body, still rubbing little circles on his back. Without a word, Ammon buried his face into their chest as his large arms wrapped themselves tightly around Sachi but carefully as to not hurt them. Slowly and gently, the chandelure ran their hands through his hair and let him be for a while before quietly speaking, “Ammon? Why don’t we head back inside? It would be more comfortable plus it’s been a long night.”

Ammon, feeling calmer now, agrees and walks hand in hand with Sachi back into the castle. They make their way down the hallway and back to their room together. Once the two got settled, Ammon makes a selfish request, “Sachi, if it’s alright with you, could…” He paused, feeling a tad foolish, “Could you lay with me?” He gazed at them almost longingly.

A magenta hue covered their cheeks as they awkwardly nodded a silent yes to Ammon’s request. They hadn’t laid with anyone in a long time as far as they remember Sachi thought as they crawled their way into Ammon’s bed beside him.

Usually Ammon would never ask this of someone especially Sachi since this would be the first time they had done something like this. However, he doesn’t feel like himself and is desperate for comfort; the first person coming to his mind being Sachi. “Thank you.” He whispers as Sachi now lay facing him. Resting on his arm and his eyes gazing at Sachi, the large man slowly drifts off to sleep.

Sachi watches as Ammon gradually closes his eyes. Before preparing to sleep themselves, they find themselves studying Ammon’s scars on his chest. With their finger, they gently trace over his scars before they hear a soft grunt from Ammon. Suddenly feeling embarrassed, Sachi awkwardly nestles into his chest and attempts to sleep. But after a moment of laying there and making sure that Ammon was definitely asleep, Sachi sort of...leans up and gives Ammon a small kiss on his chin before their face lit up a dark magenta once more, feeling very hot. They hid their face in their hands, snuggling back into to Ammon’s chest and really going to sleep this time.