It's Only Farewell, I'll be Back Soon

4 years, 8 months ago

Arinitti heads on her rite

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Arinitti looked down at her belongings. She had a good bit, from trinkets to weapons, from herbs to dried food. It was plenty to get a start. She grabbed the satchel her mother had made her. Daedhelos was known far and wide for her beauty, but few knew the female was an adept leather worker. 

The bag was sturdy, held together by leather strips. She only hoped it would last. It was such a beautiful bag, she'd hate to lose it. The designs burned into the tanned hide were intricate and beautiful, a series of swirling and intertwining lines. She smiled running her fingers over them.

As Arinitti began to pack her bag she thought back on her training. Running over maneuvers and attacks in her head. She would survive and she would thrive. She was determined to. Her mother had faith in her and she wouldn't let her down, that was a certainty. She nodded as she clasped the bag closed. 

It was time to see the world and show it what she could do! She grinned grabbing her bag and trotting from home. She was stopped by her mother. "Arinitti. Take this it will keep you safe." The large alpha smiled as she tied a necklace around her daughters neck.

It was a charm of the moon hand carved by the blacksmith. "Take care my dear, and see the world." Daedhelos rested her forehead against Arinitti's one final time before sending her off into the world.