The Hunt

4 years, 8 months ago

Mari'sol's pup life

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Mari'sol looked over the dunes, looking for prey. She was out hunting the camel like beasts that roamed here, with Actaeon, as her mentor. The herd had lived here for many generations, long before Mesquisa formed. The small oasis made it irresistible to the herbivores and thus made it prefect hunting ground.

These were her favorite lessons. The on hand learning, the struggle, the trial, the real life situations. She loved them. The alpha pointed out a calf to the young tosk. She carefully drew her bow and notched and arrow. She pulled the string and lined up the shot, and fired. The arrow hit its mark and the beast went down.

Actaeon took her to the beast that was still struggling on the sand. He quickly plunged a knife into its heart. "Good shot little one, The Dunes favor you with a bow." The scarred alpha smiled and Mari'sol beamed. "You really think so?!" She bounced excitedly. "I do, now let get back with your kill shall we?" He hoiseted the herbivore onto his shoulders, being a baby he didn't have to drag it.

"Now we only went after this young one because it was all alone, too far from the oasis to be with its mother, or to find its way back. It would've died slowly. It is our duty to preserve this herd, so we don't generally hunt the calves." The pup nodded absorbing the knowledge and taking the words to heart. She would be an amazing hunter, her bow skills would be unmatched!