Silver Pearl

4 years, 11 months ago

Character belongs to Starshine!
Approved April 17, 2019.

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Silver Pearl


16918905_v62ViZLcacSlx8v.png Gem Name
Silver Pearl
Gender Pronouns

Social Status

Creation Purpose
They are a Pearl, they were created to serve.
- Homeworld (formerly)
- White Diamond (superior) (formerly)
- Gray Zircon (superior) (formerly)
- Howlite (superior) (formerly)
- Milky Opal (superior) (formerly)
- White Lace Agate (superior) (formerly)
- Silver Moonstone (superior) (formerly)
- Blue Moonstone (superior) (formerly)
- White Moonstone (superior) (formerly)
- Clear Quartz (superior)
- Servant to Gray Zircon (formerly)
- Toy to Howlite (formerly)
- Assistant to White Opal (formerly)
- Pet to White Lace Agate (formerly)
- Doll to the Moonstones (formerly)
- Servant to Clear Quartz

Weapons and Powers

- Throwing Daggers

Basic Pearl Powers
- Has very good aim and is very precise in everything they do.
- Well balanced, flexible, and agile to an extreme.
- Able to conjure holograms and a beam of light from their gem.
- Uses their holograms as a mean to communicate.
- VERY smart and able to retain a lot of information to have at any moments notice.
- Physically weaker than most gems.
- Delicate and fragile, poofs easily.
- Holograms can not stray too far from their body before they dissipate.
- Mute.
- Hologram video feed has no sound.


Despite being mute, Silver is a very expressive character. They're generally always smiling or seemingly in a good mood. Unlike most Pearls, they can not sing for their owner, nor can they play an instrument, but Silver absolutely loves to dance and will gladly perform if requested. Silver loves to be social, even if they cant talk, they just like being around others.
Positive Characteristics
Silver always tries to go above and beyond. They're eager to perform any task assigned to them and always willing to help out if needed. Silver is kind and polite, almost always accepting, and generally just a sweet gem towards everyone. They accept life as it is and wouldn't have it any other way, even if it could somehow be better, Silver is always content.
Negative Characteristics
Because of how they've jumped through owners and superiors throughout their life, Silver has become extremely obedient to basically anyone who may want to order them around. This makes them very easy to be taken advantage of, especially by the enemy, and at risk of being in danger if they crossed paths with the wrong gem. Forgiveness is Silver's middle name, even if the offending gem shouldn't be forgiven, Silver just assumes bad behavior is normal and takes whatever is thrown at them in nearly all cases.
Flowers, Colorful things, especially rainbows!, Soft and silky fabrics, Animals, Music and Art
Having nothing to do, Most male presenting gems, Being called defective, Drinking / Eating
They fear being shattered or permanently bubbled.
They also fear losing the ones they care deeply for, like how they lost Milky and Lacey.

Brief History

Eight thousand years ago, Silver Pearl was created for a Gray Zircon. The Zircon had requested a Pearl to assist her with her duties and were rather pleased with the Pearl she custom designed. However there was one flaw about the Pearl that eventually drove Gray into not liking them. Silver was defective and unable to speak. Sure it made for a nice quiet work space, but it became tedious and annoying to deal with on a regular basis. Instead of having her Pearl read reports, she always had to read. Messages were relayed slower since Silver always had to write things down. Silver couldn't alert Zircon of new messages as easy as they could have if they were able to speak. It was little things here and there but it took about a thousand years for the breaking point to finally happen. Gray Zircon was unable to deal with Silver any longer and returned her to White Diamond with the request of a new Pearl.

After a few hundred years waiting, Silver was then reassigned to a Howlite. Howlite was mean, abusive, and a downright awful gem to Silver. Though they tried their best to please Howlite, nothing seemed to work and he only seemed to grow more and more aggressive towards them. Silver didn't understand if it was because they were merely a Pearl, if it was because they couldn't talk, or simply because Howlite was just a bad gem in general, but they weren't able to protest so there wasn't anything they could do. Until one day White Diamond showed up and took Silver away from Howlite, locking them away in a bubble to recover and be later reassigned again.

Silver hadn't really known what happened with Howlite or why they were taken away from him, but they were very grateful non the less. Especially when they were reassigned to a lovely Milky Opal who was one of the most kind hearted gems Silver had known in their lifetime. Milky always strove to help others and even keep the peace if need be. She was such a sweet and kind gem, but Silver's time with them was fairly short lived. Shortly after Milky had acquired her Pearl, she was sent to Earth to help the Homeworld soldiers in the rebellion. Her kind soul had no place in such a war and one day it was the death of her. Silver will never ever forget that they had watched as sweet innocent Milky Opal was murdered by a terrifying rebel gem.

The rebellion was still going on when the ownerless Pearl was gifted to a new gem. White Lace Agate was a powerful and well known figure amongst Homeworld. The war raged on, but Lacey had kept Silver far out of harms reach during the rest of it. After Pink Diamond was shattered, Lacy had managed to gather a small number of her team, along with Silver, and escape Earth before the other Diamonds struck, and they returned to Homeworld safe and sound. For a long while things were fine for Silver. They were treated very well by Lacey, proudly being her servant for a much longer time frame than her other three owners. Silver absolutely loved Lacey and though they were devastated that she left, they realized it was for the best and they were happy for her, despite not knowing what their own future would lie in wait. For you see, before she left, Lacey requested that Silver was to be given to her long time friend Clear Quartz.

However instead of listening to the requests of a now rebel gem, White Diamond assigned Silver to a Moonstone that had been begging for their own personal Pearl as well. Ironically, Silver Moonstone had quickly grown annoyed with owning Silver Pearl as she couldn't handle the fact another gem had her name! How dare they! She'd quickly passed the Pearl to another Moonstone who enjoyed dressing Silver up in silly outfits for a laugh. Blue Moonstone played with Silver for a short while before she became bored with them and, like the game Hot Potato, passed the Pearl to yet another Moonstone. This one, White Moonstone, took better care of Silver for a short while before he started to act weird around them. He expressed romantic interest with Silver and would try being intimate with them from time to time, but when around others he wasn't too nice of a gem towards Silver. It was very confusing for Silver, and they really didn't know what to do, so they just went along with it figuring it was normal.

Eventually, like the others, the third Moonstone lost interest in the Pearl and disowned her as well. At first Silver loitered around the Moonstone's mansion, but once their Pallasite noticed that the Pearl no longer had a purpose and none of the Moonstones wanted anything to do with them, they were returned to White Diamond for a final time. While White Diamond could have then finally caved and given the Pearl to Clear Quartz, she decided to wait until Clear had enough of the little Fire Opal she'd recently assigned to her. She'd honestly figured Clear wouldn't last long with the Fire Opal, but Clear took her by surprise.

For thirteen hundred years Silver Pearl remained bubbled, waiting for one more go at being owned. It was only very recently when White Diamond caught wind that Clear Quartz had seemed to misplace her servant. Feeling generous, she wasted no time providing Clear with her promised Pearl, but only with a catch of course. In order to keep her friends old Pearl, she would need to return the other servant. Except nobody knows where he is!

History Breakdown
8000 years ago - Silver was created for Gray Zircon.
7000 years ago - Gray Zircon disowned Silver.
6800 years ago - Silver was reassigned to Howlite.
6500 years ago - Silver was taken away from Howlite.
6000 years ago - Silver was reassigned to Milky Opal.
5750 years ago - Earth Rebellion started.
5600 years ago - Milky Opal and Silver were sent to Earth.
5400 years ago - Milky Opal was killed on the field.
5100 years ago - Silver was reassigned to White Lace Agate.
4750 years ago - Earth Rebellion ended.
3000 years ago - White Lace abandoned Homeworld and Silver.
2700 years ago - Silver was reassigned to Silver Moonstone.
2500 years ago - Silver Moonstone disowned Silver and they were reassigned to Blue Moonstone.
2000 years ago - Blue Moonstone disowned Silver and they were reassigned to White Moonstone.
1300 years ago - White Moonstone disowned Silver.
Recently - Silver was reassigned to Clear Quartz.