Character Interview - Mor'Ajwin

4 years, 8 months ago

An interview with Mor'Ajwin, the Khajiit thief. Taken from a tumblr OC interview tag.

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1. What’s your name?

Mor'ajwin, The One And Only!

2. Do you know why you are named that?

Obviously,  I named myself! This one’s lovely, melodic name takes its origin in the  Khajiiti language and carries the meaning “Deep Purple”. Well- more  literally dark purple, but that’s besides the point.

3. Are you single or taken?

I  have claimed this red-eyed silly mage over there. Or I guess, he  claimed me. Not too sure how it happened, first thing Khajiit was just  looking for a snack in Gnisis, the next looking for bards and eggs and  Dwemer… thingies; and then… this one just realised he lives here.

4. Have any abilities or powers?

Oh  many, most certainly! You know, anyone could be a thief, but it is most  rare to find one with cleverness and class - and you, walker, are in  big luck to be talking to one.
If you want to hear of some gimmicky, silly things one could plaster below their wanted picture though, Mor'Ajwin guesses “hanging upside down from branches using only his snake tail” could do.

5. Stop being a Mary Sue.

Mor'Ajwin  does not know, which Mary and Sue are you referencing, but give them a  warm greeting from this one! Oh! Has Sue set up that dream bakery of  hers? Or was it a bee farm- Yes, it might have been a bee farm. Or was  that Sven who wanted the bee farm?

6. What’s your eye color?

The most unique and glorious, one of glimmering amethysts.

7. How about your hair color?

You  mean this one’s fur, yes? It’s irresistibly soft and black as night -  but if you look close enough, you will surely catch glimmers of rich,  royal purple~

8. Have any family members?

Not any that I’m aware of. This one has been raised by the streets of Senchal ever since he was just a cub.

9. Oh? How about any pets?

Snakes are the greatest pets, don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. Every scaley gem-eyed beauty is this one’s friend!

10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like.

Psh!  Another of you nay-sayers on snakes, are you not? No matter! Everyone  eventually learns what true beauty means, do not worry my friend. You  just need time~
Something this one does not like… Strongly spicy  food. In his young years, this one had the misfortune of… Coming across  some Redguard dish on an extravagant garden party. Downing it in one go  was a big mistake. Khajiit is pretty sure everyone at the party heard  him, including the guards. That day, Mor'Ajwin has learnt to not eat  during heists… and that surprisingly, mud counters the burning tongue  sensation almost as well as milk!

11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?

This  one enjoys treasure hunts. Wandering around and coming across all sorts  of unusual stuff. This one loves sitting on the rooftops and watching  people pass by, too! Ahh, sitting atop Dragonsreach at sunset truly  makes one feel like a king.

12. Have you hurt anyone in any way before?

Khajiit  supposes the inteeviewer should ask that to people who have met  Mor'Ajwin instead~ This one is nothing but a good-willed, friendly  citizen that is always ready to help in all sorts of ways, including  lightening thwir load from those heavy, heavy gold septims.

13. Ever… killed anyone before?

Oh you know, accidents happen, especially in this one’s line of job. They started it though!

14. What kind of animal are you?

*Voice of Mephala* Well what’d you call that? A Snecat? Catsnek? Slitherball? Venom-Or-Skooma Surprise Box?

Mor'Ajwin: Ha ha ha ha, fuck you.

15. Name your worst habits?

Khajiit does not know what to say about this. We all are heroes in our own stories after all, are we not?
…okay fine, this one maybe SOMETIMES exaggerates with adding moon sugar to everything.
And disregarding his safety.
And measuring… Very high with his ambitions.
…No, I’m not gonna say ‘being a thief’. This one is basically Robin Hood!

16. Do you look up to anyone at all?

Sometimes, when this one is sneaking and they’re holding their coin pouch higher.

17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?

Bi. Mor'ajwin doesn’t mind, he thinks all people are beautiful.

18. Do you go to school?

Never did, no. Took very long before I grasped basic reading. Revus is teaching this one how to write these days!

19. Ever want to marry and have any kids one day?

Hardly ever thought about it, most of this one’s life was not thinking past tomorrow.
*Yells* Hey, Revus, wanna have kids??
*Distant sound of delicate science apparatus crashing*

20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?

Oh  of course! This might not be the traditional sense of it, but everyone  who gets to know this one’s good side, will surely remember it fondly…  perhaps even strive to something more than a single meeting. Several  have tried to snatch a souvenir - a piercing, a ring, a scrap of  Mor'Ajwin’s luscious fur… Some went for the coin pouch, but this one  does not believe they intended it as a memento.

21. What are you most afraid of?

It’s  a funny question, since Mor'Ajwin has faced most of his fears and had  learnt to live with them. Khajiit finds it hard to delve so deep and  find something that wakes true terror in him, rather than discomfort.  Perhaps rejection? It is one thing that Mor'Ajwin has faced multiple  times now and yet each time the same kind of paralysis strikes, and same  burning pain remains.

22. What do you usually wear?

Leather  and fabric, hood and dark dye are a thief’s best friend! This one  cannot resist adding some personal touches here and there once in a  while.

23. What one food tempts you?

Raw moon sugar cane.

24. Am I annoying you?


25. Well, it’s still not over!

A-ha!  It is a silly mistake to think that Mor'Ajwin gets bored of talking  about the best of his qualities and most fascinating stories, walker.

26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?

Mor'Ajwin is not fond of these divisions. He’d much rather think that he’s a quickly upcoming enterpreneur with fluid resources.

27. How many friends do you have?

That depends on the amount of ales drunken and pockets emptied.

28. What are your thoughts on pie?

Mmmmm pie with fresh fruit and moon sugar sprinkled on the top is something that makes this one’s day!

29. Favourite drink?

The Cliff Racer from Riften’s Bee and Barb. Best thing you can get for a cold day - and it has such a good kick, too!

30. What’s your favourite place?

The  cozy little pillowcase corner by the fireplace in Revus’ workshop.  Perfect to curl up and get some warmth. Maybe occasionally distract my  Telvanni mage too, just a little bit~

31. Are you interested in anyone?

Are you implying something, dear interviewer? 👀

32. That was a stupid question…

Aaw  ahahah look at you, so timid! Don’t worry, there are certain things no  one can resist. Mor'Ajwin just happens to be one of them~

33. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?

Whichever’s more warm. This one does not support cold baths.

34. What’s your type?

Hmm… Someone clever and sweet and fun and warm and smol and huggable and adorably awkward and trying their best an-

Skye: You’re basically describing Revus

Mor'Ajwin: No I’m not *insert Dumbass In Love Beyond Comprehension grin here*

35. Any fetishes?

Khajiit  likes experimenting, but he does not believe 'fetish’ is the word he  would use for that. A beautiful, kindred heart and a beautiful smile is  what makes his nights magical. A sprinkle of something new here and  there are a great icing on the cake, but they never are Khajiit’s main  course.

36. Camping indoors or outdoors?

What does camping indoors even look like? Is that a thing people do as a hobby?