lee headcanons

4 years, 8 months ago
421 2

random thoughts i have on lee’s character

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lee headcanons

  • has a resting bitch face
  • the stuff lee designs usually have a lot of black
  • actually super nice if he likes you
  • his minecraft worlds all have to be super neat and organized,, this bitch even color codes his inventory 
  • besfs with cody, jimin, and kouji because “they’re the only ones in this school i can tolerate”
  • chose to play setter in volleyball because jumping around as wing spiker and middle blocker ruins his hair
  • surprisingly has really good grades
  • designs clothes and makes cody and kouji try them on when they comes over (jimin is reluctant every time as his “clothes are sexy enough” already)
  • lee comes from a rich family, that’s why he can afford all this material for his designs
  • customized his volleyball bag because it was too “ugly”
  • idolizes kuroo and oikawa from haikyuu (thus where his stinky personality came from >:(((()
  • he, jimin, and kouji are secretly huge weebs and only cody knows (he caught them watching ouran highschool host club at 3 am when they were having a sleepover)
  • literally criticizes everyone’s clothing choice at school
  • wears eyeliner every day because he’s extra like that™️
  • rants to cody almost every day because kouji always gets distracted mid-rant and jimin enjoys hearing about his life struggles TOO much
  • “dear diary, today a bitch really tried it”
  • never skips volleyball practice
  • one time brought cookies for the whole team to eat but only because they complimented his outfit
  • cody once found him dancing to city girls in his work studio
  • lee had a gf once but she took him for granted so lee left her. (“plus her outfits were horrendous, i just didn’t have the heart to tell her.” - lee ranting to cody)
  • will only let his mom drag his ass,, but if anyone else tries it, they’ll end up with spinal damage 
  • lee got his tongue pierced with kouji
  • has a love hate relationship with jimin


  • lee’s dad was an alcoholic and left his mother when lee was only 5
  • lee’s mom being the powerful and independent woman she is, raised lee on her own
  • lee’s mother designed clothes and created many popular clothing lines, making lots of money for her and lee
  • lee eventually picked up on designing clothes as a hobby when he was 13
  • the first piece of clothing he ever designed was a hoodie
  • the hoodie blew up when lee’s mother released it to stores
  • lee has been working at his mother’s company ever since
  • his dad got arrested for use of drugs (haha fuk him)