Smabbles' Guide to her fecking lore

4 years, 8 months ago

Put on your seatbelts because this is about be a literatury crisis and will make your eyes bleed with my no punctuation and lower case i's. Get fackin ready.

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OKAY, so we all know it starts essentially with Alpha Minecha just kinda trotting a long doing shit, adventuring and stuff with her Timber Wolf called Juniper and her Black ORANGE EYED cat called Howell. She often leaves them at the villages she is currently at to protect while she does shit outside, Minecha is known as a good hero and is known to escape death despite it looking impossible. So Like she doesnt know she is a dragon and just looks human and she kinda is doing normal stuff when bAM a vision of a dragon destroying her land. Oh no, she is like 'oh no, I gotta get this dragon before it destroy everything' so she goes round asking how to kill one and someone is like 'Oh well u need the Dragon Blade' and shes like 'how i get dragon blade' and hes like 'u go find dragon blade' and she is like 'ok'. So she finds out who has the sword and goes to this old woman, the woman is like, 'oh yes I have the sword, it has been passed down in my family for like totally ages' Minecha is like 'thanks, bye'. So Minecha heads to a stream and is like 'lemme look at this sword' but when she touches it she gets hit with tremendous shock and is knocked to the ground. Dizzy, she is like wtf and feels very very different, she turns around and sees wings on her back and is like WHAT, DRAGON?!!? She runs to the stream and looks at her reflection and she sees horns. She gets so panicked because... she thinks that SHE is the dragon that kills everyone (she isnt). 

So Minecha is like 'Maybe the Moon can save me' and goes to the Mountain that has blue lava cuz thats like.... meant to be super close with the Moon, when she gets there she like gets like... another vision? obvi from the Moon going 'hey i rly like u, wanna be friends and like devote your life to me?' and Minecha is like 'will you help me?? Can you help me finish my quest?', She feels a chilly wind move to the direction of the shrine, she feels a longing to step on it. She feels protected, strong enough on this shrine, strong enough to do what she must do... and then just fucking stabs herself in the heart. What happened to Juniper and Howell?!?! Idfk, The Moon was probs like 'd'awww yall cute little fuckers, and brought them into the spirit realm.

So anyway Alpha Minecha is deado and it's around this era where we get my trio of adventures who suddenly appear and start yeeting all the nasty things and lowering the population of badness. These three are Bugsy, Lana, and Froggy, their purpose was given to them by the Sun and Moon and they were like, 'hey can yall like... get rid of these buggers? We need room to let the villagers evolve and extend and just... ya know become little shits.' So the trio are like K and do that and then idk... vanish into folklore....


where all the shit gets going, This is where we first meet Percival and Yona, theyre kinda existing in ethereal realms and being all cool and stuff. Percival is doing shit like idk taking away half of a persons soul (COUGH TYRIAN) Then Yona gets pissy with Percival cuz he's like 'Eeyyy i got fire aND ice and imma not take my position seriously also my gf hot and loOL lets mess around with these humans' and Yona is like 'bruv fuck no' then goes to the Sun all like 'Hey Perci is being a lil bitch, if i give up my immortality can u like, Stop him doing this? thats sounds logical' and the Suns like 'lmao okay'. SO Percival is like, made to leave them world alone and is sent to the Astro Realm (think stars). Yona is now yeeted onto Earth and thats where she gets all.... 'ooooh im the sun priestess lemme kiss your water and bless yo children'. which of course she does and likes, makes the world around her prosper being a good bab... OH and the Moon was also like 'hey i wanna send a child down if u are' to the Sun and yeets babby Minecha who's spirit has just been kinda... frozen in time ig....

BUT THEN the humans are like 'hey im greedy and i want the sun to love me' so they sacrifice THE SUN PRIESTESS to the Sun to which Yona is like 'LOL thanks for giving me my power back' and curses the land to an eternal desert, they either burn alive, starve to death, or cant handle the journey to the nice and cool MOUNTAIN (yes that mountain). The population of that really dank civilisation literally plummeted and they began becoming echoes of their former self, becoming these Imp-like spirits who are really fucking cute btw. They kinda become silent, living within their means, completely not hostile. Like u could take their food and theyd be like wELP. If an imp steps foot into the desert their spirits whisp away leaving the husk of their clothing. SO, Yona is back being a badass bitch.

IN ANOTHER AREA, there is the Moon Temple on a large island nearby the  main continent of Univas. Rime (our First Moon Priestess) is teaching  Minecha the ropes as the CURRENT Moon Priestess. It's all going great  and all BUT then war happens and shit with the other inhabitants and  Minecha is sent without her memories (for her protection) off the island  while everyone else perishes (except Rime and the wildlife).

Minecha than wakes up at the coast of The Mountain and is brought up to the summit by the imps. Minecha kinda gets all bored and the Imps find her, theyre like 'hey u cant go anywhere cuz u get cold and dragons dont do well in cold' so they give her warm clothes and she ventures down to their settlements. She begins blessing ice to create streams and allowing them the use of her spring. So the Imps love Minecha now btw. Minecha is like, 'hey this is cool and all but i really wanna head out and go see the world.' So she becomes a dragon and yeets across the desert to a nice civilisation of casual peeps just chilling bUT ARGH POLITICS?!?! so theres two main groups...

You got the Guild, these dudes have ranks and stuff and is sort of like the land's military, prestigious skool. They have the main dude who's like 'Hey Yona is a lie and she's bad, she killed an entire population and is power hungry, and also that big evil Pig guy is bad and wants power too, 'SO WE ALL HAVE TO WORK TOGETHER AND KILL THEM SO I CAN STAY IN CONTROL :D' and the Guild is like 'Okeydoke!!' Yes the Guild is where Juno and the squad are just kinda defending the lands and shit. The Guild are very want to be the boss and control everything and believe their way of life is the only way.

Minecha gets close when she gets caught by the Big Piggy dudes army, theyre like 'woah a dragon, thats like Yona, lets get her bring her to tEH BOSS' and Minecha is just happy to do whatever cuz OOOOO ppl. The big piggy bad man is actually a bit of a dick cuz he knows all about the rituals and stuff and is like, 'Another dragon that happens to have cyan eyes wow this is like the Moon' and then fucking sacrifices her by stabbing her in the back with her blade in order to keep her from disobeying him. So essentially he's able to manipulate her and has this kinda voodoo way. So basically he tells her to go to the Guild and sign up, she then uses her magic to make herself look more human and trots off to The Guild.

So Minecha goes into the skool as Dratsu, and kinda just does her shit, watching stuff, and the Bad Pig can sense whats happening and get intel....

Mausea is like 'boi I can sense sOME REAL BAD evils coming from that girl' so the Main squad are like right we best not trust her, so during classes They all try and learn more about her because Mausea can sense darkness..... But like... Mausea gets her alone and then is like 'holy fuck shes baby and must protec'. BECAUSE ITS MINECHA?!!? like how can u not love her. So Juno being the big grump dismisses all the squads comments and says Minecha is darkness and goes in to talk to her himself. All the others are like, 'man idc if she gonna kill us all i love her, shes too cute'.

So Juno goes up to her in class to which shes turns around, instantly recognises He is who the others were talking about, and with a bubbly tone says 'Juno~!' looking all excited and adorable aND LIKE CMON. Even Juno's grumpy heart skips a beat and is like 'well fuck shes adorable' and instantly doesnt interoggate her because... well she's  baby. Mausea puts forward a theory that maybe Minecha has a spell that lets her make others naturally like her and warm up to her despite her EVIL intentions... But experiments and stuff happened and NOPE Minecha is just a cutie who is just going round doing stuff (whilst also being manipulated and tortured and blah....)

So fast forward a bunch of stuff and The Guild get word on where Yona is and send their top troops to go get her... so the Squad, and Minecha because she's best girl. As soon as they spot Yona, her and Minecha get this.... click.... and Minecha is like 'wait no, i cant let u kill her sorry' and Juno is like 'oh okay, what now'. Yona is then like 'Um... did u stop and think that maybe the Guild is not good and power hungry too?' so everyones like :o and betray the guild, but not yet cuz they need intel.

They see Minecha's non disguised form when theres battles and stuff  going on with the Pig dude's army and she's obvi on the other side. But oh no something happens where Minecha is revealed to be Dratsu in front of the squad, because the squad go to face the pig man which Minecha didnt realise and the pig man is like 'lmao this is Dratsu u plonkers' and makes her transform back. They battle with Minecha trying to avoid battling Juno but they end up together ready to battle, Juno lunges for her but she panics and yeets him off the cliff. Minecha is utterly destraught and does not return to The Guild' Juno is then reawakened because he is worshipped by his peers as amazing and goes back to the guild where the squad is like 'woo u alive!'. But Juno is then a sad boi because he's like.... 'but she was baby ): '

Then He's like well okay then... 'First we gotta destroy the Pig dude, then we will go get Yona and destroy the guild and everyones like 'lol okay.'

So they finally face up to big bad pig man and Minecha is there embarassed and ashamed, the squad and The Guild manages to crush the pig man and destroy is fortress, Minecha gets badly injured from the falling rubble and absonds out of there as she has control of herself now. Minecha uses all of her strength to fly back to the mountain, the Imps find her and carry her back to their blessed water. They dont take her to her spring where she can heal faster because like... Its a thing where she needs to heal emotionally too, likes shes utterly destroyed, so they look after her in the village with her physical wounds healing slower and the Imps making her feel better, until they all finally migrate to the top of the mountain to her spring. And i mean ALL the imps gather at the top of the mountain, where there is room and begin to settle by her spring, which she encourages. 

Juno and the squad are worried because Minecha has disappeared, and since tHE gUILD is like 'aha no pig man, that means just Yona is left, huzzah! she wont defeat us this time!' (she didnt defeat them previously its cuz Juno and that didnt fight her). The Guild find out the Squad has already left to aid Yona. The battle then commenses to over throw The Guild. They get to the big boss man and Juno is battling him again while the others are fighting too. Once again Juno is out matched and thrown of a cliff bUT WOAH WHATS THIS?!?! ITS MINECHA, she swooped in with her dragon form and saved him for falling

Juno and Minecha dont have much time to talk because of the battle but have a mutual understanding that they both needto work together, Juno tries his hardest to tell Minecha he still loves her but every chance is interupted. The Squad and Minecha then reach the Boss Man again and yeet him out of  existance. To which the Guilds onwer becomes my beautiful Harpie girl,Kyra and she helps peace return to the lands. Everyone startsassessing the damage and Minecha takes this as a moment to disappear from the scene, believing that she has done what she neededand should leave to let Juno and the Squad be in peace. Juno notices her absence and goes to look and see's her, already far away in the distance, flying towards her Mountain. Distraught, Juno goes to see Yona alone and begs her to allow him to cross her desert, as a thanks to what he and the squad have done she agrees and blesses him with the power to go. 

Juno reaches the mountains and is greeted with fellow imps who appear slightly more protective and interested in the stranger, Minecha is by her spring looking lost and with the comfort of her imps to which Juno finally finds her. He is able to express that he never hated her, he says he has a sort of connection with her and feels isolated when she is not by his side. Minecha agrees and admits she views him as a supportive companion who she too, shares an affinity with. They both return to The Guild where Kyra has fixed it up and has stayed humble to her promise.

BUT WAIT, a detail everyone forgot was that the Big Boss Man was worshipped by the guild for so long so HES REAWAKENED. Yona says they have to stop  him for good but oh no Tyrian isnt here to help her, Minecha senses this  runs up to her. They both feeling the same connection and power running  through their veins, Minecha transforms into different attire as she is  revealed to be the True Moon Priestess. Her and Yona then use their  combined prayers to the Sun and Moon to banish the Guild Master to the  Neverlands and destroy his existence once and for all.

This is the end of The War. 

What goes on after is all the cute shit and ship things and Yona getting Pluto and just all the wholesome stuff <333


BUT AFTER ALL THIS IS LIKE A NEWISH ERA. This is written better cuz like, I thought of it recently so it's all fresh when I played it all in my mind uwu

So Minecha has had her blue amulet for like MEGA ages, and she keeps getting an overwhelming urge to gooooo somewhere, she knows the direction but her longing to stay with Juno and the others. But this calling was still so loud. So she decided to visit Bramble. The convo kind of went like this

'Minecha! Or... should I call you mother?? I really dont know... anyway what are you doing here?'

'I wanted to ask you a favour... This amulet.. it calls me, for so long. I know it will lead to my past and lost memories, before all this'

Bramble listens, very interested.

'I am not who I was back then, I.... cant do what isneeded of me anymore. I belong here, so I want to give this to you, the amulet, can you take it?'

'You want me to find out your past? I cant just leave the imps!'

'Take them with you! They will follow you Bramble, anywhere you go.'

Bramble reluctantly takes the amulet in her palm, instantly a surge of longing and calls pulled her heart, somewhere.

'you... hear it?'

'It is so loud, it draws me somewhere... Okay Minecha, I will go'

Minecha smiled and bowed her head, a thank you, and then flew off,leaving Bramble with her new amulet.


Like Minecha said, when asked if they would follow, the imps all stood up and acted like they were ready to leave right then! Surprisingly the Parkas living on the mountain also trailed after Bramble,down the mountain, and across the desert. She was drawn so far, all the way to the coast. Where she needed to go was further, beyond Univas. Where DID Minecha come from??? Bramble managed to put together a make shift boat, the imps were excellent builders, and sailed across a sea, she eventually made it to a shoreline, a jungle like area, warm,  the trees made it very dark, but Bramble has great vision! The feeling was stronger than ever and she made it to a large castle like structure with a stone wall that had engravings etched onto it. 

A Woman with horns sat on a throne with a scepter, but the scepter was not engraved too, it was separate. It was obvious it was missing something with a smooth dent on its top. She knew what to do. Bramble removed the amulet from the necklace and placed it in the dent, a perfect fit! The Gem shone brilliantly and she could remove the scepter from the wall, as she did, the entire thing crumbled to pieces revealing the entrance to the huge castle. Long hallways all overrun with vines and plants with streams, until eventually she made it to the thrown room. In the middle was a beautiful throne, like the one the woman in the engraving sat on, it was in the middle of a pool of water. Bramble felt that was where it ended, the feeling. She took a step of faith and did not sink into the water, instead she stepped gracefully, all the way to the throne. The Imps all watched, their blank eyes all on her. The moment she sat down she snapped and all the memories flooded to her.


Minecha was the ruler of this land, but something really really bad happened, that forced her to flee and leave everything behind, whatever it was wanted her. Her trusted advisor pulled her memories from her and made them into a ball... the amulet, and casted her away to float to a new land... safer. That civilisation perished in the onslought of attacks, and Minecha was left to wake up, with no memories of who she was, in order to protect her from the enemy. The enemies also perished too, they did not get the dragon soul they needed and eventually died out. 


When Bramble snapped back, she felt different, she looked towards the imps, bright orange eyes returned her gaze. She quickly looked at her reflection below the throne and as she thought, beautiful cyan eyes looked back. She was now the Moon Priestess, even her garb was different, it looked like Minecha's when she would embody the priestess... Except Bramble felt like.. herself. This was where she was meant to be.


Both Minecha and Juno collapsed on the floor, like their beings got ripped out for a moment. When they came to, Juno took one look at Minecha and immedietly shouted 'Your eyes!! They're not blue!' Minecha pointed at his too, his eyes were a deep reddish brown, no longer the orange they once were.

'I dont hear it anymore, I feel, silent.... so peaceful'. 

'You dont think....'

'I dont think... I know, Bramble did, she managed to take it all!' Minecha was overjoyed, she was free, and not bound by duty.


But alas, this meant another problem, so like Minecha lives WAYYYY longer than Juno, if not... basically forever, and Juno, well he do not. So they were like 'lets bind our souls!' Its kinda like marriage but eternal but also not... So its a blessing or a curse, but if you truly love love each other, you will just see it as a blessing, hence why it isnt done often. So binding of souls means that they WILL grow old together, die together but... it means Minecha will either have Juno's lifespan, or vice versa, hence why it isnt often done, because like ew why would I die early cuz of someone(but u also might not!!). Minecha and Juno go to the priestesses and ask for the blessing and Yona and Bramble are like alright. Theres no way to know which lifespan they got until yah know...they grow old (SPOILER THEY LIVE FOR VER LONG, JUNO GETS MINECHA'S LIFE SPAN CUZ I CANT KILL MY BABIES'

But also I mean... they are champions so they would be living longer anyway (but like now its wayyyy longer). okayTHE END