Discord Lore Rambles

4 years, 8 months ago

Mild Violence

All the random stuff I expand on in my Discord. No particular order- just keeping it somewhere.

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Muff joined Sarge’s force (along with Jaz and surprisingly, Nip).

Nip keeps getting put on probation for getting caught with drugs.

Nip was addicted to Mila for a long time. Eventually, his friends got him off of it (that wasn’t fun lol).

Cold turkey Nip is dangerous.

So yeah- he keeps getting caught with drugs- originally he had Mila on him once he was clean, which freaked his friends out. He wasn’t taking, but he had mandatory blood tests by Sarge for weeks.

Then he was caught with Mitha, which he was using (though it’s pretty mild). Sarge couldn’t let it slip again so he got in deep shit for that. He also got Kalli and Matt in trouble too, whoops.

So Muff and Jaz have been taking up the slack lately.

Oh yeah, and Nip gave Matt some of his Mitha, getting Matt in trouble for the second time and himself for the third 

Sarge resignedly admitted that either punishments would be for all, or none at all, or it just wouldn’t be just.  Ergo Matt and Nip got punished.  He felt it was worth punishing his friends rather than letting the gang slide. Bit of a prickly situation for  awhile after.

Sarge is a dog, and the dogs are very practical minded.

He’s a bit of a genius in his own right. Makes most of the medicine.

Supplies Alan

Also dabbles in machinery and computers.

He built everyone a mobile phone, lol.

Most of the medical supplies come from plants, fungi or snake venom (Sam’s mostly).

Sam’s a weird-ass snake, and one of the oldest (created) characters. He’s a constrictor and he makes venom (multiple types), so he’s pretty biologically inaccurate 

Bramble is a huge jaguar. He’s the right-hand man of Tommy- acting as the muscle of the gang.  He’s stoic, ruthless and merciless.

He also acts as the torturer, being methodical and dispassionate in his “work”.

He has a brother, called Jack. Jack is..pretty much the complete opposite.

Bramble tolerates his brother, but there’s no “love”, only family pride.

Jack is in the Breaknecks.

Jack is terrified of his brother, and Bramble has threatened to kill him before.

Oh yeah- you’re probably wondering about Bramble as last you heard he got a knife through the skull, lol.

Sourceress has revived him using her dark magic, but he’s still pretty weak.

Dark magic is nasty - he’ll take a while to recover.

But better than dead.

Also takes her a long time to get her magic back.

I think Bramble would fall under emotionless psychopath.  I don’t like to throw out “diagnoses” willy-nilly, but there’s not really anything else to describe him with.

Sourceress is a white tigeress.  She actually had another name but her title replaced it (same as the sorceress before her).

She has spent a lot of time refining and honing her magic skills.  Tommy is a very charming and convincing individual, and he convinced her to join several years ago (when he lost his previous magic user)

She delves into Dark, Black. Blood and Death magic.(edited)

And a little Voodoo, too.

Different branches.

Dark magic- causes misfortune.  Black magic- causes harm Blood magic-requires blood spill to cast Death magic- requires a sacrifice to cast(edited)

Magic is tied to karma, so the worse you cast, the worse is more likely to occur to you. You have to be skilled to do dark magic as it likes to backfire.

Magic in this world is like...a living thing.

They call them pearls because 1. They’re spherical and shiny but opalescent. And 2. Because making them is like layering magic on top of itself, like how an oyster makes a Pearl.

Basically magical gobstoppers lol. If you were able to cut one in half it would look like that.

Pure magic is too unstable for this form

It’s like...”normal” magic is electricity that goes through conduits and fuse boxes, and pure magic is unbridled lightning.

Pure magic is actually very rare- a known incident was with one caster who accidentally blew a hole straight through his ear when it discharged.

So that charmed necklace is a lifesaver.

Voodoo hasn’t been explored too much, it mostly seems like a catch all, or a more tribal type of magic. (Which makes sense)

Voodoo dolls exist- and Pepper’s made one before (voodoo is neutral, you can use it for good or bad)

Oh yeah -Sourceress.

So she has honed her use of the dark magics for Tommy.  She’s a very powerful caster.

Also- one of the reasons Matt ran in like an idiot.

He recognised the knife Italian was threatening Alan with as Sourceress’s blade.

She uses it to sacrifice

/a little context for ya, lol

panic panic big brother moment

Italian is his nickname.  Just because his real name sounds vaguely Italian.


He’s either Italian or The Italian.

Italian is a grey tabby. He looks...remarkably like Matt and Alan, because he’s actually their cousin (dun dun dunnnn}

He’s just fucking crazy lolol

He enjoys tormenting others- he’ll go into a bloodlust.

(hence his smacking Nip around)

He actually probably has a fucked-up crush on Nip.

He was really upset by Nip “abandoning” him the gang.

And Stripey- honestly he’s one of the sanest.

Bit of a sadist, but doesn’t go as far as the others.

He’s usually the one given the drugs to look after, lol.

Also the one who sedates/drugs people occasionally.

Weird how those are connected :p

Huh, forgot about Gypsy. He’s not usually with the gang. They find him pretty unbearable- he’s just a snivelling coward.

Italian’s about as much snivelling coward as they can handle.

Italian likes to hurt people, but doesn’t like the worm to turn.  Does get off on fighting though.