4 years, 7 months ago

Athena always skipped out on events in a town near her due to being busy, this night is different though.


October 2019 MAWP: "Your impim celebrates Halloween with a bang! Write about their festivities, their costume, and how they go about celebrating the night."

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Athena tapped one of her wands on the altar in front of her, 8 candles with high steady flames rounding a cloth on the shrine. She inhaled, smelling the incense and crushed up lavender from the mortar & pestle that were centered on the cloth. Though the scents clashed, it smelt nice. Crystals gleamed into her vision slightly, making Athena lay her eyes on the 3 apples and wine on the platform. Athena closed her eyes for a moment, taking in the calming environment. Today was one of the god's festival days, right? This should make them happy. Her eyes opened, whiskers twitching. Right! She needed to get ready for the celebration near her, thanking the gods for all they've done for humanity.

Athena blew out the candles one by one, put her wand away, and swept herself off her feet. She ran into her room quickly, which was equally decorated with crystals and little trinkets she had found on her adventures in the forest. Athena rummaged through her drawers, knowing what she had planned all month was in there. A smile spread across the Impim's face when she saw the homemade plague doctor costume she had made a few weeks ago. Athena saw some of the sketches for that outfit and quickly took them out. She set them on her nightstand in a neat pile and smiled with satisfaction.

She threw the clothes on as fast as she could, grabbed a lantern with a rose creeping up it and hauled outside. Athena slammed her front door closed and sprinted through woodland, knowing she can't miss this year's celebration, like she did many years back. She felt the wind in her fur, it traveling through her costume and mask. Athena smiled as she looked as her lantern's strong flame, even though she was running, it still stayed secure blaze. Athena crashed into someone, feeling their bodies clash.

"O-Oh my!" The figure Athena ran into stuttered, the Impim looking up. Aricastro, an almost entirely black Rig, stood before her in a nice looking clown costume.

"I'm so so so so sorry Aricastro! I-I wasn't paying attention, I was in a rush and-" Athena sputtered, shoulders rolling.

"Don't worry, Athena," Aricastro hummed as he gave Athena's mask a soft pat, "I understand, just didn't want to miss this year's celebration, hm?" He gave a friendly smile.

"You got that right!" She rocked her hips, "I may have been busy the last few years, but I'll be sent to Dramixar before I overlook this one!" Athena laughed triumphantly, fur ruffling up.

"Always a hyper one, I lost my energy years ago." Aricastro picked up the lantern that had fallen out of Athena's hands once they collided, handing it to the Impim.

"Ah! Koguji, I'm sorry!!" Athena choked out as she gave the beacon a hug. Aricastro raised a brow, Athena had named her lantern?

"Well, are we gonna go have fun or what?" Aricastro asked, stretching. Athena blew a raspberry, "Do the gods accept sacrifices? Of course you big softy!" The smaller responded with a mischievous giggle.

Aricastro took lead and showed Athena around the town. The whole town was adorned head to toe in beautiful decorations, cherry blossom petals scattered on the ground. Athena resisted the temptation to eat one as she crouched down to get a better look. Appeared like the petals from the universal cherry tree, truly magical things. She grabbed a small handful of the delightfully colored flower petals and jogged to catch up with Aricastro. "So candy man, where to first?" Athena questioned, short tail wagging underneath her cloak.

"I'm going to see a friend, she works at a Tavern." Aricastro smiled, Athena snickering.

"Kyehehe, and who is this friend? Someone I don't know??" She teased, the Rig blushing an unnoticeable shade of pink.

"H-Hey! No!! I don't think of her like that!" Aricastro said defensively as his tail hit the ground over and over.

"I know, I know, don't get your mask in a twist." The Impim giggled, Aricastro shook his head, the fluff from his costume that surrounded his neck puffing up.


Aricastro and Athena wandered around for a while, looking up at the softly colored stands that had so many different items up on display. They had to stop every so often due to Athena wanting to get things from the humble merchants, which she pocketed for late. Soon Aricastro stopped, pointing to a lovely little building, "There it is."

Athena looked, eyes sparkling. 'The Diamond Snowdrop Tavern' were in the same pleasing colors as the petals, which remained in the pockets of her costume with the items she had gotten from stands. Athena ran to the gates of the pub to which Aricastro gasped, chasing after her, but not having much time to react.

"Yooooo~! Aricastro's friend, where you at??" Athena exclaimed. Thankfully not many people were in the inn at that time, only a Salamander sitting on the counter in a small nightgown like costume. Aricastro busted in after her, rubbing his head.

"Oh? Hey there, you're Athena, right?" The small animal asked, to which Athena walked up to the bar, getting to eye level with them.

"Yeeeessss, who are you though??" Athena asked, confused.

"Hawaii's the name, bartending's my game." Hawaii answered, standing on her hind legs.

Athena's eyes went wide, Aricastro hovered over her nervously. "YOU are a bartender? That's so cool!!" She squealed. Aricastro sighed, sitting in a bar stool.

"Yeah, it's impressive, huh?" He commented, Hawaii facing him.

"This is your friend, hm? She's rather hyper huh?" Hawaii waved her cap and hopped down a few shelves.

"Hah, yeah, hopefully, that wasn't too much of a disturbance." Aricastro rubbed his arm as his tail swung about.

"Nope. Of course not sugar." She smiled. Hawaii pulled out 3 bottles, 2 cups, a measuring cup, an orange and, an ice block. The Salamander started to make drinks, a song being hummed quietly as she did so.

"Ah, Lei, I'm not looking to drink. I'm certainly not allowing Athena to drink either." Aricastro jumped, surprised at his friend.

"Whhhhaaaaaattt?-" "Don't worry, it's non-alcoholic, peppermint. I wouldn't dream of giving you a drink." Hawaii cut off Athena, who pouted with a 'hmpf'.

After a few minutes, Hawaii presented drinks and slid them to the two patrons. Athena gave a small sip and it was rather sweet, but she didn't mind it.


The three talked and talked till nightfall came, to which by than Athena had drank all of her delicious drink.

Aricastro pipped up, standing quickly, "Athena! Athena!! We need to go, the best part is about to start!" He chirped and he helped the Impim up and ushered her out of the inn.

Hawaii waved, "See you two later." She smiled, beginning to clean the glasses they drank out of.

Athena began catching up to speed with the way Aricastro was moving as she began to notice every little detail of the town. Lantern in hand, and saw everyone else had paper flower lanterns, many were varying colors. She saw that there were more of those paper lanterns on all the lamp posts, making the petals on the ground glisten.

Aricastro hummed like he knew what Athena was going to say, "Just wait."

Suddenly, all the lights went out besides for Athena's lantern. The Impim felt her skin crawl as everything went dark for a few seconds before she saw the paper lanterns light up in bright neon oranges and pinks, along with the flowers that every stand, store, and home had. All the petals on the ground began lighting up in the same fashion with neon blues, greens, and purples, to which Athena faintly noticed the petals in her pockets started glowing too. People started to throw their lanterns into the sky, them all floating with wonderful shades of red and pink. A few citizens from the side-lines had cages, once open released butterflies with blacklights, which the small creatures shinned onto the town, symbols and amazing artwork appearing on every surface.

Athena felt herself tear up, unknown if it was from all the colors or how nice it all was. Aricastro grinned, "Well, like it Athena?"

She looked down at her lantern, dug in her pockets and got the cherry petals out. Athena opened the lanterns little door, resting the petals on the base.

"Of course, this is beautiful." The Impim smiled, looking up at Aricastro.

"Ladies, gentleman, and everyone in between!" A rather loud voice rang out, a bright colored purple cat with star-eyed pupils being the one with this powerful voice. "This year's festival was even better than last year, give yourself round of applause! Let's end this night with a bang!!" He shouted, his hands shooting out blue and purple sparks. People let out cheers and the last few lanterns people had were released into the air.

He hopped off the stage, pawing his way to the side, "Hmm, let us see..." The cat said softly to himself, "Well well well, a rather nice song is going to play up here first, folks!" An upbeat pop song started played as everybody began either dancing or sitting and talk amongst themselves.

Athena was beyond hyped, spinning in her costume. "Wow, this is amazing! How have I not been here before?" She said to no one in particular, loving this to the core.

Aricastro looked at the small Impim, chuckling, "Well, wanna come back next year?" He asked with a tilt of his head.

"Why's that a question?! Of course! Maybe I should come prepared next time, never know if I'll get blinded by this place!!" Athena laughed.

They spent their night dancing and talking, enjoying every second the event went on. The bright colors made it hard to see, but it was enjoyable.


Athena was properly tuckered out, barely able to stand straight. The dancing had taken all the energy out of her, and everyone was going back into their homes. She wobbled onto Aricastro, laying on his chest.

"That was funnnn..." She trailed off, Aricastro helping the Impim stand straight.

"I'm helping you home, no way am I allowing you to cripple in a bush somewhere." He huffed, throwing Athena over his shoulder.

"WHA- Nooo Aricastro, I'm fine! You don't need to do this!!" Athena protested, not trying to get off of the Rigs shoulder.

"But I do, this is important Athena, you'll hurt yourself." Aricastro shook his head.

A few more slight protests from Athena before she passed out on him, sleeping soundly. Aricastro opened her front door, which he noticed was unlocked. He prayed to every god she didn't get robbed, but sat his friend down on her couch, to where she curled up into a ball. Aricastro set the lantern he used to find his way to her house nearby the Impim, looking over at her altar. The incense had been blown out, the apples were gone along with the wine. He never understood why she did this every so often, but he never questioned it. He smiled, locked her door and left.

A small little puff of stardust made it's presence from out of the wine bottle, coming around to circle the sleeping Athena. Some of its sparkles falling around her before evaporating. It smiled an oni fanged grin, all four of its eyes opening. All of those defining features went away as quickly as they came, and the entity left without a trace. Athena curled more into herself, a smile on her face. That night really was magical, wasn't it?