All Were Not Pleased

4 years, 8 months ago

An odd phenomenon has been happening in the toskal world lately, and that oddity is… PUMPKINS! Pumpkins everywhere! No matter what biome, no matter where you live, these bright orange things are sprouting everywhere and persisting! But what to do with them? Pumpkin is now a constant staple in your food, your drinks, your baking… and it is surprisingly delicious. And look! A new and interesting game has come to be. Carving! Adults and pups alike have been carving out and competing to make the best jack-o-lanterns! How skilled are you? Will you take home the prize of the Jack-O-Queen? Or will you be left behind with your sad excuse of a pumpkin?

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Almost over night the desert was overgrown with odd orange orbs. They were mishapen, and tough and the outside. However, inside they were a gelatinous mush, a stringy web of gooey muck. So of course Bane decided the tribe was going to make decorations out of them. Furiosa wanted no part of the messy project. She would stay clean and observe from afar.

She was watching the pups carve their "pumpkins" (as they had been named). They were all having loads of fun slopping the goop onto a big tray. Mirazh, and Morsov picked the seeds out to roast them over the fire. The stringy mess vanished presumably into the fire to be discarded. If only that had been the case.

Furiosa was glad she had not worn the clothes Con had made for her. She failed to notice Bane behind her with a kettle of pumpkin guts until it was too late. The sticky mush tangled her fur and was impossible to get out. The female lunged at her cousin shoving his face in the pile of it now on the ground. He laughed and soon the tribe joined in. Even Furi couldn't help but chuckle...until she realized she had to get the gunk from her fur.

Many hours were spent detangling the webbing. Ambrios did most of it as the majority was on her head and back. He carefully cleaned her fur. He enjoyed the personal time even if the Desert Queen was muttering the entire time. He had to smile at it all.