The Dunes of the Apocalypse

4 years, 7 months ago

Somethings happening in the toskal realm. The veil between reality and fantasy is getting thinner. All those legends, all those terrifying stories of ghosts and spirits and demons? Those aren’t just stories anymore. All the things that go bump in the night, those horrifying tales of headless creatures, ghosts, blood drinking witches. All of it is true and has now come to invade your homeland, and a great deal of them intend to make a meal out of you. How does your toskal react, and more, what does your toskal do to try and survive? The already dangerous world already became that much more treacherous. The legendaries and stories have come into the cannon world, and survival is optional.

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Actaeon stretched as he strolled through the tribe. He put his arms behind his head, and his steps were relaxed and lazy. All was good in Mesquisa. Life was good, he was set to visit his mate soon and then after a stay in his tribe they'd travel home and stay here before his mate headed back. He was full of joy.

It distracted him enough he failed to notice the darkining sky. A terrible omen, the sign of a curse. The sign...of the apocalypse. His attention was drawn by the murmuring of the people. He followed their pointing fingers. There was a figure with a blacked out silhouette up on the overlook of the tribe. 

Actaeon thought nothing of it, he'd seen that luxurious mane and desert gear countless times, it was merely his sister Furiosa. His thoughts shifted quickly as her arms raised and the ground began to quake. Her eyes opened revealing an eerie white glow. "No..." A whisper snuck passed his lips. Prophecy foretold one of their own would destroy them. She would have glowing eyes, possessed by The Dune of Apocalypse. Ready to end it all.

Actaeon gripped at the sand tightly, bellowing with all his might, an angry snarl on his face. "FURIOSA, HOW HAVE YOU BECOME SO WEAK THAT THEY'VE OVERTAKEN YOU?!" He saw the low light glint off bared teeth as she balled her fists and sand wove tightly around him. He felt it pulling. He cried out in agony as he was ripped in two without remorse or mercy. As the life left his eyes, he only noted how dead hers already looked.