Robbon and Angzend Fuse

4 years, 8 months ago

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The fusion immediately starts clawing at its hands and stomach. It then grunts and falls to its knees with one hand on the ground. The other hand gripping its own abdomen. Its grounded hand slowly curls into a fist and the fusion vomits up a chartreuse colored goop. The look on its face made it painfully obvious it was in discomfort. Unable to stay up, it flops over and its other hand shakily reaches for the right side of its head.

"Arg! Angzend, what's happening?!"

It stops writhing and its face goes from anguish to mild surprise, "What do you mean, I feel more or less the same as usual?"

Switching back to wide-eyes and gritted teeth, "This is normal for you?! Your head is cracked open, man!" A spurt of red shoots out its eye. "Oh, that stings! ...Why are my hands so itchy?"

Back to a more calm expression, it sits up to let the blood drip without getting in its hair. It stares at one hand for a second, "I don't think my parasites like your endoskeleton very much." And then panic.

"Your what now!?" A bit woozy, it slams a fist on the floor to keep from falling over again. Apparently it was a bit too hard because the hand in question turns green and little spikes spring out, some of them ripping through the sleeve. "AH!" It was unsure to tell if the squeal was from shock or pain, maybe both. A few deep breaths and it slowly quiets itself. "Angzend, why does everything feel wrong with your body?" It stares at the spikey hand, and although the red coming from its eye wasn't as forceful as the first time, there was a lot more flowing out of it now. "You don't even have thumbs..."

Concern came to replace fear, but the tears kept going, "I'm sorry, Robbon, we can separate if you want".

Wincing, "No, I think I got this. I just need to get used to-" it had tried standing up while talking and vomited again, attempting to prop itself against a wall, but still fell over. "Never mind!" The two fall apart.

Angzend stands up relatively quickly and offers its non-spiked hand to help its convulsing friend up. Though, with his face initially to the floor, it seems he doesn't notice it as he gets up. Another red spurt and Robbon cry-laughs for half a second before coughing up a greenish slug-looking thing, which leaps and crawls into the front Angzend's robes, who reaches for it and its pupil constricts for a moment before a sigh. It then looks over its shoulder at the reason they tried to fuse in the first place. Robbon leans to one side to also get a look.

Neither could decipher the look on Capearthown's face, but judging by the fact that she's no longer angry, they assume it's a good thing.