The Dunes of the Apocalypse Pt. 3

4 years, 7 months ago

Somethings happening in the toskal realm. The veil between reality and fantasy is getting thinner. All those legends, all those terrifying stories of ghosts and spirits and demons? Those aren’t just stories anymore. All the things that go bump in the night, those horrifying tales of headless creatures, ghosts, blood drinking witches. All of it is true and has now come to invade your homeland, and a great deal of them intend to make a meal out of you. How does your toskal react, and more, what does your toskal do to try and survive? The already dangerous world already became that much more treacherous. The legendaries and stories have come into the cannon world, and survival is optional.

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As Actaeon was wretched in two Mirazh felt Bane full her hand. He had a look of panic and knowing. "Bane? Bane what's happening?!" "The curse! The curse of our family! We weren't supposed to survive that day all those years ago. We were supposed to be wiped from existence. The Dunes are creating their own apocalypse. Please Mirazh we have to leave!"

She saw the tears brim in his eyes as Toast collapsed. Those tear falling as Valkyrie and Max were dragged under the sand, their cries of mercy going unheard by their own mother. The tendrils coated in Toast's blood swept across the sand bisecting tosks and livestock. Waves of sand bombarded the tribe burying many in its deathly grip.

Mirazh heard nothing over the screams of panic, pain and sorrow. They moved to where they knew the kids would've been taken, the cave. Just before they reached the entrance a wave of sand hit with such force it sent them hurling through the air and filled the cavern to the brim. Mirazh saw nothing but white. It hurt so much.

She screamed and cried in pain as Bane standing over her slowly came into focus, his chest was caved in. She tried the look away, she couldn't move. She cried, wailing as he tried to calm her his breaths heaving and blood running from his mouth. "Please Mirazh...let me take the pain away, let me take it away." He rested his head against her as she coughed up blood. "M-Make it stop, Bane, please." He gripped her head tightly. "I love you." He swiftly jerked her head to the side her neck audibly cracking as she fell limp.