Norbu's Headcanon Collection

4 years, 7 months ago

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» Background & Lifestyle «

1. Norbu's ethnicity is Tibetan. Isao misheard his name "Norbu (ནོར་བུ་)" as "Nobu" and began calling him so. Norbu found it pretty funny and didn't mind much when Isao is using that name, but would get angry if other people are calling him Nobu. (Fun fact: he was originally planned to be Ladakhi!)

2. Norbu's mother tongue is Tibetan language, but he knows some basic English because of his passion in western culture. The language barrier between him and Isao sometimes would pose some communication problems, but they could usually figure it out together no problemo.

3. Norbu originally had black hair (or dark brown, as depicted in most of his arts), but he dyed it cream after escaping with Isao in order to hide his identity. He left a small patch (on his left side) as highlight to remind himself of his origins.

4. Even though Norbu is considered physically weak by his family, he is in fact pretty good at climbing mountain roads and walking on foot for a long period of time (especially by city dwellers' standards). 

5. Despite Norbu's love in modern society, he had never give up all the traditional values that he had inherited from his people. For one, Norbu is still very faithful to his religion, Isao fully respects his culture and would always leave him undisturbed when he is praying.

6. Norbu's family are pastoralists, they are poorer than most of their people because of climate change and other political consequences that made herding extremely difficult.

7. Norbu knew his way around the mountains pretty well, he is very good at finding natural resources (ie: fresh water) when they were camping, and he would always bring Isao to hard-to-find photo spots that normal tourists wouldn't know about. 

» Hobbies «

1. Norbu loves modern technology and lifestyle. No, it doesn't mean he's disrespectful to his own traditions; he simply loves the fast paced society with all the flashy stuff (he's a young kid after all!). His favorite, of course, is his smart phone, which he would always bring with him whenever he go.

2. Despite Norbu's love in taking photos with his phone, his photography skills is pretty horrible. He simply enjoy capturing whatever caught his eyes, and not trying to get professionally-looking pictures as Isao does.

» Relationship «

1. Norbu fell for Isao on the second day of their escape, he refused to seek refuge with local authorities mainly because he didn't want to leave Isao's side, not because he didn't trust the law enforcement.

2. Even though Norbu looks shy, he is actually very direct with his feelings and wouldn't hold back if he wants hugs or cuddles. (I mean he can be naughty if he wants to).

3. Norbu actually didn't fully believe in Isao on the first night they met, despite Isao made a getaway with him and brought him away from the trafficking site. Norbu stole a pocket knife from Isao's backpack while he was in the bathroom, and seriously considered using it if he had to.

4. Norbu does not have any type of documents to visit any foreign countries. This later became a huge problem as the two realized they could not stay together because Isao could not remain in Tibet (which had strict travelling policies) and Norbu could not migrate oversea anytime soon. Nevertheless, Isao promised he would find a way to make things work in the future.