The Depths of Solitude

4 years, 7 months ago

Somethings happening in the toskal realm. The veil between reality and fantasy is getting thinner. All those legends, all those terrifying stories of ghosts and spirits and demons? Those aren’t just stories anymore. All the things that go bump in the night, those horrifying tales of headless creatures, ghosts, blood drinking witches. All of it is true and has now come to invade your homeland, and a great deal of them intend to make a meal out of you. How does your toskal react, and more, what does your toskal do to try and survive? The already dangerous world already became that much more treacherous. The legendaries and stories have come into the cannon world, and survival is optional.

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Tier opened her eyes. Everything was dark and murky. She glanced up, light could be seen twinkling happily about the surface. Water? How long had she been down here? She moved to swim, but felt so heavy. What was this bag? It held her fast to the ground. Panic began to settle in the pit if her stomach as she tried to lift the bag. It was immensely heavy.

She tried to break the chain tethering her to it, but the metal was solid. She began to frantically pull at the chain and the collar around her neck as her vision began to blur. No luck. Her air escaped her lungs as she blacked out, fully expecting to never wake again.

Tier opened her eyes. Everything was dark and murky. She glanced up, light could be seen twinkling happily about the surface. Water? How long had she been down here? She blinked, this all felt familiar. She looked down at the bag attatched to her already knowing it was there. She mustered all her strength to drag it, one inch, two inches. She blacked out again.

The process repeated over and over and over, for weeks. She couldn't understand how she hadn't died or how she had the strength to move. She was so hungry. She could she the surface only inches passed her reach. Only a day or two more.

As she reached the point where she could stick her nose passed the water, she inhaled the air greedily. It was the purest of scents and eased the aching in her lungs. With a few last heaves, with her renewed strength, she was on the shore, panting wildly. She'd never felt such relief.

She thought her relief was short lived when two shadows loomed over her. She looked up at them having no stength to fight. There was an alpha female with a wicked smirk, eyes black as night save for a tiny white pupil and another alpha female that was missing toes and holding a basket. They introduced themselves as a Witch and a Litch and that they were the reason she hadn't died.

They explained they revived her and kept doing so each time the crushing depths claimed her life. They were the reason she got out so know she owed them. She asked what was owed and they merely claimed friendship. Tier felt that was a more that reasonable request. She just hoped they weren't too rowdy, of course the serious and stern female had no clue what she was getting herself into.