The Bar Fight (1)

4 years, 10 months ago

The meeting of Ashes and Scratcher, ending in bickering between the two.

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The Bar Fight

There was ongoing chattering throughout the saloon. An orange canine that took pride over a small golden star on his bandanna sat on a stool. He grinned, speaking to two others sitting next to him. 

"So Scratcher, did you hear about that dark dog roaming nearby the town? He seems like a threat to me." 

"I saw him too, did you, Scratcher?" The other commented.

"An outlaw, near my town? Tell me more." Scratcher raised an eyebrow, there were typically no issues in the western town. Other than snakes, of course.

"He wore a red bandanna, or was it a collar? I didn't dare get close, he seemed big. And scar-" The canine was interrupted by a small figure bursting through the saloon doors.

"Scratcher! Scratcher!" The pup ran into the saloon, right up to the sheriff. "A big, dark, dog is on his way! He wants to take over! At least thats what he said to me- he could be joking! Right? Right?!" There was panic in the pup's eyes. He could not see anyone else being sheriff than Scratcher. Scratcher was a friend to all, perhaps not the best sheriff, but he was enough. Every single individual in the room looked towards the saloon doors. There was a dark figure entering through the door, swaying a little. It had it's head lowered, and looked up a few tail lengths away from Scratcher.

"If you're going to cause trouble, I recommend you leave." Scratcher said with dignity. Although, he knew he could not fight well, a hindrance to the life of a sheriff. It was unfortunate. Therefore, he wanted to prevent fighting as much as he absolutely could. He looked straight in the darker canine's blood red eyes. Scratcher was rather taken by his size and... his face.

"I just wanted to talk and get to know the oh so great Scratcher. Only one could dream of meeting you, I'd presume." He said in a charming voice. "Anyway, I just wanted to see what you're made of. To my speculation, not all that much." The room gasped, all looking over to Scratcher, awaiting his response. 

"They would never accept you as sheriff, I apologize to break it to you." His face felt warm, as he was quite flustered.

"Then I can make them, can't I?" The canine glanced around the room, a few stepping back as they made eye contact. The pup cowered and seemed to shrink into himself at the sight.

"They would leave, or overthrow you just to put me back into my place. You wouldn't even dare to try!" Scratcher took a step forward, voice growing into a snarl. He was fueled by the pup, so afraid and taken back by this outlaw. Scratcher was not going to have him terrorize the young.

"With your height? And lack of dominance, you fool." He stood up taller, towering over the small sheriff. Scratcher's fluster now showed below his eyes. A pink blush arose. The dark canine laughed, noticing. "Name's Ashes, by the way. We'll meet again." He turned around and headed out of the saloon doors. "Soon."