The Felling of a Beast

4 years, 7 months ago

Explicit Violence

It’s the fall season. When the leaves begin to change colour and shed from the trees, and the air is nice and crisp… The perfect season for Nightmare to explore the world and bring chaos to the toskal world. It’s hunting time, and no one is safe from the hulking mass of shadow and fear that is Nightmare. His teeth pointed and his claws ready and eager for the hunt. The kill… the slaughter.

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Furiosa stepped cautiously. The tribe she had been looking for was decimated. With a spear in her hands, she moved through the thick underbrush. Everything about this area made her fur stand. The sounds, the smells, the sights. It seemed blacker than black, nothing but the trees and undergrowth directly in front of her were visible.

The snap of a branch made the alpha whip around toward the sound. Nothing. She let out a nervous breath and kept moving as a fog rolled in. Furiosa became extremely alert, her eyes frantically scanning the area as her ears twitched at the slightest of sounds. Something loving to her right, but it was gone before she had a chance to see what it even was.

A low growl rumbled in her throat as her fur bristled fully. A deep rumble was her response. "Who's there?!" Eyes, glinting in the low light, high above the ground. She took a warriors stance as the beast stepped into the light. A hulking thing with massive horns on his head. The toskals eyes dripped of bloodlust and he reeked like the slaughtered village.

It was Nightmare. Too bad Furi had never been taught to fear legends. She aimed her spear and hurled it, it missed vitals but the snap of horn was a sound she knew all too well. The scream that tore from the beast made her cringe her own horn feeling a dull throb as blood poured from the newly formed horn stump on the giant.

Furiosa felt his claws bury deep into the flesh of her right arm at the elbow. The popping that followed and the searing pain made the alpha send a powerful shock through the black monster. The bottom half of her arm going with him as he fell. The enraged female saw red as he rose. As he charged she grabbed his broken horn and felt the monster pierce his own heart in his rage. He let out a shriek, clawing and flailing as if it would help. His eyes clouded and he collapsed, a beast dead at her feet.

Not one to dwell on the past Furiosa quickly left the area, soon finding herself stumbling as she lost more and more blood. The she felt sand under her feet...home. she smiled. Oh yes, all would know the tale of the Desert Queen that felled the might Nightmare. She trudged on holding her new stump. She eventually collapsed, but was quickly found by patrols. She was taken to Mesquisa and patched up. After contacting many other tribes they came up with a primitave prosthetic arm that could move with pulleys she'd control with her other hand.

Her story had just begun.