Isao's Headcanon Colllection

4 years, 7 months ago

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» Background & Lifestyle «

1. Isao's name is actually pronounced as "Ay-say-oh", not "Ee-sah-oh" as you would in Japanese (and yeah, I totally made that up lmao).

2. Isao's family runs a corner store in the NYC. He made a promise to his parents that if he failed to make any achievements within a year of his travel, he would come home quietly and find a day job. 

4. Isao and Norbu are the only characters from their universe with an actual country of origin.

5. Isao's relationship with his family is adequate. Although they get along just like any other average family, Isao sometimes feel a bit distant from his parents because they do not quite agree with him being an artist. However, he is extremely close to his sister, who is six years older than him. Despite the two were never as close when they were small, they miraculously grew closer with age. While his sister fully supports his dream and even secretly subsidies part of his travelling fees; Isao would in return treat her as his close friend and confine any true feelings to her.

6. Isao's original hair color is ash/platnium-blonde, which is the right half of his current hair color. He dyed the other side turquoise after he got out of highschool for a bit more "artistic feels". 

7. Isao is extremely broke. His money problem is pretty much on the same level as Dick Gumshoe from AA.

» Hobbies «

1. Isao never went to art school nor any post secondary. He is a self learned photographer and he went straight into the fields after he graduated from high school. His skills (despite decent), is still not yet up to professional standards due to his lack of experience.

3. Other than photography, his next passion is backpacking. Even though he hasn't been to a lot of foreign countries in his youth, he has quite a lot of guts to visit rural areas on his own and camping up on the mountains. He mostly learned all the survival skills from books, that's why he is always amazed when Norbu showed him different ways of doing things when they were camping together.

4. Isao likes to post his work on social media and keeps a travel journal online. He does get a bit interaction from his followers (mostly old highschool friends), yet he still hasn't managed to win anything in professional photography contests. 

» Relationship «

1. Isao loves taking secret photos of Norbu. No, not the inappropriate ones, but simple, slice-of-life photos that captures the purity of his boy.

2. Even though Norbu could only speak conversational English and there exist a slight language barrier between the two, Isao always managed to guess what Norbu is thinking just by observing.

3. Isao admitted that his decision to save Norbu from the trafficking site was out of impulse after seeing Norbu's teary eyes before he was being sold. However, he never regretted his actions and had expressed some remorse how he couldn't save everyone else in the auction.