5535 Interview Logs

4 years, 10 months ago
4 years, 4 months ago
4 882 2

Entry 2
Published 4 years, 4 months ago

Various logs from interviews with SCP-5535

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Entry 2

Follow Up Interview


SCP-5535: Do you always wear that thing?

Dr. Katt: I'm the interviewer, I will ask the questions.

SCP-5535: Aren't you scared?

Dr. Katt: Of a bratty rabbit monster? No.

SCP-5535: I could kill you.

Dr. Katt: You could.

(No response)

Dr. Katt: Why do you attack others?

SCP-5535: I want out, humans never want me to be out.

Dr. Katt: Why do you want out?

SCP-5535: Being cooped up is shit.

Dr. Katt: What would you do if you got out?

(No response)

Dr. Katt: I said what would-

SCP-5535: (Interrupting) I heard you.

Dr. Katt: Will you give me an answer?

SCP-5535: You know the answer.


Interviewer's Note: SCP-5535 has made multiple attempts to breach, some successful, but always ends up contained again. It would be best to try to find a way to keep it from wanting to escape. In event of a breach and Dr. Katt is not on site, try to hide.