When only one plays with open cards

Some exploration on the relationship between Yasu and Shigeo (Spoilers: Its not a good one)

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“What a tiring annoyance.” Mika groaned as she left her room of their math class together with Yasu. “We ain’t ever gonna need that shit, let me tell you!” A slight, amused smile formed on Yasu’s lips at that but he chose to not reply, as the only thing he could think of would be counting up all the occupations in which math was of even mild importance.

After another frustrated sigh, Mika chose to focus on more pleasant thoughts. Like her next activity for example. She turned her head to Yasu. “Are you going to watch the Shokugeki that’s up today?”

Hiraku Yukihira versus yet another third year whose name didn’t matter because they’d loose anyway was what was up today. And Yasu felt the ends of his mouth sink again.

He knew why Mika wanted to watch the Shokugeki. And it stung.

He forced the ends of his mouth upwards again, so she’s not have to feel confused or possibly even suspicious, as he gave his answer. “I think I am going to pass that one. I still have some work to do later.”

For a second, Mika’s brows furrowed but then she let out a sigh and replied. “Fine then. But I guess that means our ways will separate here.” She pointed to the right. “I gotta go there.”

It took Yasu all his might to keep even the slightest hints of melancholy out of his voice when he nodded. “I know. I hope you’ll have fun, Aldini.” At that Mika gave him a grin, which only tightened the iron ropes that were tied around his heart. “Thank you! See you later, Ibusaki! Greet Chieko-chan from me.”

Elegantly she raised her arm to give him a slight hand wave before she swiftly turned around and walked out of his reach, just like she always did. And just like he always did, he watched her longer than necessary before he finally sighed and turned away as well.

Instinctively he made his way into the direction of the Enomoto-Seminar in order to pick up its most talented member, his best friend Chieko Marui. He often did so, ever since the two entered Totsuki, so no one would question it. Plus he needed some distraction right now and Chieko always has a lot to chat about. Almost everyday there was something that upset her enough to construct an hourly rant about it. Adding to that, one could expect rambles about politics, history, literature, math or science, so really it was fairly easy for Yasu to just walk next to Chieko and nod occasionally while she did all of the conversation. And he was sure that would put his mind off the red haired upperclassman that haunted his head more and more these days.

However just as he took the turn and the positive spirits slowly rose in him again, they were instantly pushed down in a violent manner once Yasu’s eyes fell onto a particular person waiting in front of the library.

Like he wished for, the frustrating redhaired upperclassman disappeared off Hiraku’s mind. However just to be replaced by an equally if not even more frustrating upperclassman.

Yasu felt the usually so calm rivers in his veins beginning to boil, as he clutched his fist and marched towards the older student accompanied by the two mountains that ever-so-often accompanied him.

“What are you doing here?” Yasu almost snarled, which was rather uncharacteristic for him and quite a few people would have probably considered it rather scary.

Shigeo Eizan however did not, and it was evident as he merely turned his head and faced Yasu with what seemed to be a bored expression. Behind him, Katashi Umino’s eyes narrowed as he suspiciously inspected Yasu from head to toe while Taichi Yamada subtly lifted his fist already.

“Oh it’s you.“ Shigeo greeted flatly. “Ibusaki was it, right? Pardon, if I got that wrong.” Unconsciously Yasu balled his fists as he replied. “You know exactly who I am, Eizan. Cut that act.”

Umino cracked his knuckles and gave Yasu a dark glare. “Oi, are ya looking for trouble, first-year?!” Yamada was about to open his mouth as well, but Shigeo made a fleeting hand gesture shutting him up. “Let him be.” He ordered with an unbothered tone, but despite how Laisser-faire that command had been the two let their fists sink immediately.

Meanwhile Shigeo’s sharp gaze traveled back to Yasu and slowly but surely his all-too-typical smirk emerged on his lips. “‘Eizan’ was what you said, right? I’m sorry but if I am not mistaken, I am a year older than you.” He took a step closer. “What uncouth mannerism to speak to upperclassmen in such casual manner. If you allow me to refresh your memories on the customs of this nation; the correct way of addressing me would be ‘senpai’.”

A savage dragon flew through Yasu’s stomach, furiously blowing out raging fires in anger about the very audacity of suggesting Yasu was not familiar with Japanese customs. Invisible to the world, Yasu grit his teeth to keep the dragon down where it belonged and his calm, stoic facade up to the world. “Thank you but I am knowledgeable about my culture.” His voice became cold. “I just don’t believe that you deserve the honour to be addressed as ‘senpai’, Eizan.”

But equally as cold was the amusement that glinted in Shigeo’s eyes, as he purred. “Oh my.” He took another step closer. “Is that you asking me to teach you some respect? Be more careful with your words or I’d feel forced to do exactly that.”

Yasu couldn’t deny that he did have an desire to take a step back, but he forced his feet to stay where they were. “You didn’t answer my question.” He claimed firmly. “What are you doing here?!”

Shigeo backed off again, the smirk not leaving his lips. “I don’t see how that is in any way your business.”

Yasu let out a huff before he decided to make an direct attack instead of chattering around what they both knew this was about. Now he was the one to challengingly do a step forward. “If it is about Chi-chan, Leave!”

Shigeo’s smirk only grew. “And if it is? What gives you the idea that I’d even consider to follow any command of yours?” “I-“ Yasu began, but he was interrupted. “Evaluate the facts, Ibusaki. You’re a measly first-year with barely any power or reputation. I am a member of the Elite 10 and have an astronomic number of contacts and resources to utilise. There is not a single thing that you can possibly threat me with.”

No matter how much Yasu hated it, what’s just been said was indeed hard to deny. But giving up was not an option to consider. “They say you’re smart, then why won’t you understand that she wants nothing to do with you? Stop pestering her!”

While Umino and Yamada exchanged quick, confused glances, as the idea of someone doubting Shigeo’s intellect went a little over their heads, Shigeo himself only shook his head. “If she was as disinterested as you proclaim her to be, I don’t see why you should be as worried as you are.” A dark glee found it’s way into his voice. “Hmmm? Ibusaki?”

The dragon within Yasu got more wild by each second, scratching on his insides to finally be let out. “Keep. Away. From. Her. Eizan.” Yasu growled. But once again Shigeo showed himself to be unimpressed, as he only chuckled in return. “Keep playing the White Knight for her. It will only draw her closer to me.”

Just then, Yamada spoke up. “Marui-chan!” And instantly both Yasu and Shigeo turned their heads to see Chieko leaving the library with a book in her hands and a frown on her face.

“What are you doing here, Shigeo-senpai?!” Chieko spat, but before she could say anything else Yasu already grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her into his direction. “Come on, Chi-chan we should be going. There’s nothing you have to discuss with Eizan.”

He only lifted his head to throw a menacing glare, that couldn’t even be seen given his bangs, at Shigeo who for some reason only was widely and evilly grinning, almost as if he reached some sort-off goal or so. And so Yasu failed to acknowledge Chieko’s scowl and how she tried to fight herself out of his protecting grasp.