
4 years, 6 months ago

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shhh sh. don't judge it. i wrote it in like an hour for a school assignment, okay?

Mama said Papa had to leave for war today. I’m not sure what that is, but no one was very happy. It’s probably more work. Papa always leaves for long times to work.

Papa took Mr. Wiggles with him. I know adults have to go to work, but Mr. Wiggles isn’t an adult! Mr. Wiggles is a dog. Why don’t they understand that?


Mama says Papa has taken Mr. Wiggles with him before. Apparently he has a very good nose. Everyone knows that! That’s why Mr. Wiggles always finds everyone when we play hide and seek.

Maybe it’s good for Mr. Wiggles to leave. He doesn’t seem to like very many people.


There are people out in the streets with fancy uniforms and weapons. They don’t seem very friendly, but they haven’t hurt anyone so I guess they’re okay.


Papa came to visit today. He had a fancy uniform too, but it was different! He couldn’t stay very long since he had to go back to work.

Mr. Wiggles never came. Does he no longer want to be my friend?


Mama says the people outside are ‘soldiers,’ whatever that means. She says they’re supposed to protect us. I asked her what from.

She said from the bad men with guns and dogs. She said they come to places like ours and hurt people. Is this what war is?


I asked Mama about war. None of it was very nice. How could you do that to people? Especially when you could be friends instead?


There are lots of noises outside. Mama told me to hide. I brought my diary with me. Did the mean men come? I can hear dogs barking. There’s so much going on. Will they hurt me?

I can hear Mr. Wiggles! I know it’s Mr. Wiggles because he was hurt and it makes him sound weird. Do the mean men have Mr. Wiggles? Are they hurting him? I hope not.

Mr. Wiggles is getting louder! Is he coming to help me? Mr. Wiggles is very good at protecting!

I can hear him coming down the stairs now! There’s someone else with him though. Did he bring a friend? Maybe he’s being chased by one of the bad guys. It would probably be safest to stay here just in case.


Mr. Wiggles tried to attack me! Papa was there. He didn’t do anything to stop Mr. Wiggles. Mr. Wiggles left when he couldn’t reach me and Papa followed him. Why would they do that? Are Papa and Mr. Wiggles with the bad people? They were my best friends and my family! Mama always said you could never fully trust anyone in hard times.

Maybe she was right.