History Of The Shade Ponies Part 1: Terminal

5 years, 11 months ago

Explicit Violence

This Log File Located in The Canterlot Archives Details Known Information Regarding The Equss Shadis

Shade Ponies Are a Original Race developed for use in The StarJax Chronicles Universe an Alternate Universe (and timeline) to My Little Pony FriendShip is Magic's Canon All Information, Logos, Ideas and Names Are Trademarks of JaxArts Ltd, and Belong Solely to MjaxMajoran My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, belongs to Hasbro Studios and Dhx Media.

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Shade Ponies History Shade Ponies are the informal Title given to the race/breed of Equestrian Equine Which have been found to exist underground much like the species of Diamond Dogs... Shade Ponies Exhibit an as of yet under researched form of Equestrian Magic, which allows for the crude manipulation of shadows, memories, physical as well as metaphysical space, and in some instances brief time anomalies.Citation needed Reports indicate This species may in fact predate the founding of Equestria as it is known currently and Peace Talks with the Leaders known as "Sentinels" have led to what is believed to be a neutrality between Equestria and their own nation, as Equestrian Ambassador's requests for an alliance were declined. As per the treaty agreements; The general populace will not be informed of the shade pony's existence and only dignitaries, and royalty shall be aware of their existence at any given time 

[Logs regarding the fate of the Equss Shadis have been Removed] 

Shade Pony Powers Although little is known regarding the full extent of the Equss Shadis's, Arcane abilities a number have been explained to diplomats as per the treaty. 

Memory Displacement Equss Shadis appear to have the ability to "displace" the memories of themselves from those that encounter or see them, resulting in what is reported as "static" or "Silent Noise" when trying to recall a specific shade pony's appearance or actions, even words, the memories are not erased however as after awhile the memories of the "victim" are restored. 

Shadow Based Teleportation Though the name suggests that a Equss Shadis is only able to teleport when standing in shadows The true nature of the movement is not fully understood, It appears that while in darkness of a significant degree, or when simply not being observed. Shade's are able to move to any given location as long as said location is also not being observed, Unlike traditional teleportation, memory seems to not be a factor, as long as the shade has been near the area precise teleportation is possible. 

Spatial Manipulation Though it is uncertain if anything is actually altered or if it is simply in the mind of those affected, Equss Shadis seem to posess the ability to create false areas and locations in almost any location, everything about these "False Rooms" appears, sounds, smells and feels real. Not much more is known about the ability however. 

Shadow Manipulation This is one of the more abstract and strange of the Equss Shadis' abilities, as they seem to be capable of turning completely bright rooms, to pitch darkness without  physically altering the light sources present, this has led us to call this Shadow manipulation rather than light manipulation 

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