A Series of Strange Writings

4 years, 6 months ago
2 years, 2 months ago
21 4096

Entry 4
Published 4 years, 6 months ago

This is just stuff that I wrote with no specific oc of mine, but I just really like how they turned out. So Yeah. Unknown people in little tales of varying sizes.

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The person sinks deep into the water, how did they get here they can't help but wonder. How long have they been in here, how far from the surface have they gone? Ah, they think as they open their mouth and let out the air they had left. A brilliant cascade of sparkling life, floating away from them. It's peaceful, so peaceful, floating down. A quiet, gentle way too go. They close their eyes, they remember the other person on the boat, they must've not been reaching out to catch. The person floating away, clothes and hair cascading, simply raises their arm towards the surface. They had no goal, they missed the sun a bit but they knew they didn't have the strength to swim back up again. Why was the water so empty around them, isn't there supposed to be fish? As their mind drifted away like their body, a hand grabbed their own. How strange, they thought, so warm and welcoming, surely it could not have reached this far. Up, the person went, onto the shore they made it, a flurry of breath came back to them as they finally opened their eyes. There was no water around them, just warm and soft sand. Despite this, they knew their soaked body showed what once was there. In front of them sat another, a kind smile, a dry friend. The pair embraced as the one of the water cried tears of fear and sorrow, while the one of the land cried tears of relief and joy. The first knew it would not be easy to avoid longing for the deep sea, but they were willing to try no matter how long it took. To see the rest of the land, they would have to be willing to avoid giving into the current, but now they weren't alone.