
4 years, 9 months ago

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Nothing but a light laugh answers Keisher's complaining as she once again tried, and failed, to sneakily take off the blindfold covering her eyes.

"Have patience, we're almost there." Vega calms her.

Keish lets out an indignant huff, wondering just how much farther they have to go, it seems they've been walking for ages and she still has no idea where they are. If it weren't for the steady hands guiding her she surely would have tripped hundreds of times by now. How is it Vega can walk through woods like this just fine? He's just as blind as her and yet here she is stumbling and slipping on her feet while he is as graceful as always. It just isn't fair.

Vega chuckles again, taking care to lead Keisher over a small fallen branch before continuing on. "I can hear you pouting you know."

"Why do I have to wear this stupid thing anyway? I can't see anything and it suuuuuucks.... no offense."

"Some of the most beautiful things in life can't be seen with the eyes." he poetically answers back which illicits an unattractive snort from his companion.

"I've stubbed my toe three times Vega." Keisher quickly rebuttals, not impressed. Vega takes it in good stride. "That doesn't even make any sense, how can you say something is beautiful if you can't even see it?" she continues on, letting out a small 'eep' when her foot slips on a particularly smooth patch of pine needle.

Vega steadies her with sure hands, always just a small step behind her. He considers his words idly for a moment before answering. "Well, there are loads of things that are beautiful, it doesn't have to be physical. Like the sound of songbirds in the morning, or the feeling of sunlight on your face, things like that." He considers using Keisher herself as an example but holds off. There will be time enough for that later.

Keish lets out a low, thoughtful hum, brows knitting in concentration underneath the blindfold. After a few tense seconds she replies, "Nope, still don't get it. I mean birds and the sun are cool and all, but pretty stuff is like flowers and art and fireworks."

He isn't surprised at all by this answer, Vega has known Keisher for years and she's always been a bit of a straight forward personality. He finds it humorous more than anything. "Those things are beautiful too, so you're right." he reassures her with a smile she can't see. "We just have different ways of viewing things is all."

"You're view of things is weird."

"Guess you could say we don't see.... eye-to-eye?"

As always with his lame sight jokes Keisher lets out another unattractive snort followed by a line of giggles which makes his heart stutter slightly. "You're horrible." she tells him amid a grin she fails to stifle.

"I know." he simply answers back, grinning himself.

The next few minutes they forgo conversation, Vega occupied with guiding Keisher carefully up a slight hill. It takes a bit of patience on his part as well as a few curses on hers, but eventually they make it and Vega pulls Keisher to a stop.

"We're here."

"Thank GOD." Keisher sighs, having grown tired of the stupid blindfold ages ago. "Can I take this off now? Please? Please? PLEASE."

Vega chuckles at her but nods. "Sure."

Quick as greased lightning Keisher fwips the blindfold off, letting out a sigh of relief. How in the world Vega can function without being able to see anything is beyond her. Rubbing her eyes to rid them of the funny feeling of having fabric cover them, she blinks taking in her surroundings before she lets out a small gasp, eyes widening toward the sky. Dots, glowing dots line the night sky. Thousands of them in oranges and yellows and reds, all floating steadily up into the heavens like a giant wave of light. Keisher has never seen anything like that before, and she marvels at it.

"Vega look!!!" she grabs his arm and points toward the lights, gaping in awe.

Her reaction is just what he hoped for, and though he of course cant see any of it he looks toward where he knows the horizon is anyway. Keisher always did have a funny habit of forgetting he's blind from time to time, but it never bother's him. She's just caught up in the moment, and he's happy that the first thing she thinks of is wanting him to share what she sees with him.

"You like them?"

"What ARE they?!" Keisher motions toward the hovering lights as they peacefully float higher into the night sky.

"They're lanterns. It's a common Chinese tradition to release lanterns into the sky."

"They're PRETTY."

Vega chuckles, he can almost feel her amazement as she stares up at the lanterns. They dot the sky like man made stars. Keisher wonders just how far up they'll go. The next few minutes fall into a comfortable silence, both content with just admiring the spectacle, though both concentrate on different things. While Keisher watches the balls of light, Vega watches her. She has no idea, but her chi shines in such a brilliant way when she's happy. After a considerable time Vega's soft voice breaks the silence.

"Do you like it?"

Still enthralled with the lanterns Keisher absentmindedly nods before remembering he can't see her. "I do, it's so pretty! And there are so MANY of them. There has to be thousands of them!"

"I'm glad." he smiles, giving her hand a small squeeze. Neither of them know just when they started holding hands, but it's not unusual. They've been doing that ever since they were children and it's inexplicably comforting.

Keisher lets out a little hum in answer, leaning against him slightly, perfectly content, though in the next moment she frowns. "I wish you could see them." she states, turning to look at him.

"I'm fine." he reassures her with a smile. "I've got something even more beautiful to watch."

At this Keisher blinks, brows knitting. "Watch? What?"

Good ol' Kei, as oblivious as always. Even though they've been dating for a while now she still doesn't pick up on his small hints, though he doesn't mind. She may be stubborn and a bit too confident for her own good, but at her heart she's modest and he loves her for it.

Vega smiles vaguely at her question. "Take a guess."


He may be blind, but he can almost see her overly exaggerated expression which only makes him chuckle more.

"Alright alright, I'll give you a hint."

Keisher stops, looking at him expectantly, though his hint doesn't come in the form of words. Instead Vega lightly cups the back of her head and before Kei can really react captures her lips with his. Keisher freezes, only for a tenth of a second, before she melts and kisses him back. No matter how many times they do this kissing her has got to be his favorite thing in the universe. Neither of them know how much time passes before they have to break away, both of their breaths shaky, foreheads leaning against one another.

"You're the most beautiful thing I'll ever see in this life." Vega whispers.

His words make Keisher's chest tighten, a shiver running down her spine in a very delightful way. She doesn't speak, instead she lets out a light, airy laugh before leaning forward and taking his mouth again. Neither of them pay attention to the lanterns after that.