Prom Night Collab

4 years, 6 months ago

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Author's Notes

Each paragraph break is a change in response between Thunder and I

Well this is new. Tobias stands idly on a cobblestone walkway gazing up at the outside of the one and only Beanville High, the school decorated head to toe with all manners of balloons and streamers celebrating the first annual Beanology Prom. It's kind of crazy, he hadn't been here in years, much less for a prom. Teachers were lucky he even bothered to show up for class much less school functions like this. However he was nagged into going and him being the pushover he is for her couldn't say no. So here he is, dressed up in a generic suit with a snail pin she insisted he wear on his breast pocket in leu of flowers. However... Gazing over his shoulder he lets out a little breath, spying Sharla still stopped at the edge of the parking lot. "You said you wanted to come." he reminds her, brows furrowing at the tight look on her face. It's not like her at all to be so standoffish.

Prom was always good, dancing, free food, what else could she want? For weeks she eagerly told Tobias they should go least to grab a free meal and make fun of some of the costumes. Days were crossed out like a child awaiting Christmas and her joy was infectious, yet as the day went from months to days her joy turned to worry. The sort of worry that gnaws at your stomach growing in intensity until you couldn't see straight. She stared at the building as its shadow casts over her small form, her side tingled reminding her of the hesitation to even come. It had been a few weeks since the accident, but no amount of dazzling dresses could deter her mind from wondering what people would think. Just breath, its only for a few hours. Sharla's feet dragged as she forced herself to step out of the car taking her time to put her heels on leaving Tobias to walk his way to the doors. He must have smelled her hesitation as she wilted under his words though put on a brave smile to not seem worried. "I know, i just just. . .putting on my heels. I would walk around barefoot, but you know these people are party poopers."

You can barely perceive the tiny twitch of his eyes at her excuse. He can hear her bs from a mile away, however he doesn't mention it. He knows why she hesitates. "You could try it just to see what happens." he answers with a shrug, not really bothered over the possibility of them being kicked out. Seeing her finally step out of the car he locks it up and takes her hand, nodding toward the front doors. "Let's go see what kind of bites they got, though stay away from the punch. My brother is in charge of that and, well, you know...."

Sharla gave a small shrug at the offer to go barefoot,"It sounds nice, but I don't want to get my feet stepped on. You know someone in there is wearing five inch heels and i rather not find out who it is." She murmured winching at the idea of such horrid heels digging into her toes. Nope, she'll stay with her small heels unless she wanted to get wheeled out of prom. The gentle hold around her help eased her nerves as her shoulders fell slightly not noticing how she was tensing up. "I'm hoping for cheese sticks personally or some cookies wouldn't be too bad." Mentioning who was making the punch got a surprised noise from her as she looked up at Tobias, "They let your brother be in charge of punch? Damn, they might as well put coke in it themselves." While the light hearted talk about Emm's scary punch helped her get through the hurtle of getting inside, once Tobias pushed the doors open to the dance floor he felt her tense again. A small noise of complaint escaped her pulling her dress ever so lightly higher to cover her sides, "So, uh, where is the food table? I can't see past everyone, stupid heels didn't help at all." She huffed putting on a good show to not expose her discomfort. God can they see it? They had to, it was huge. Well, she believed it was, no amount of coverup could hide the thick ridges scaling up her right side.

"You misunderstand, no one lets him do anything, he probably messed with the vendor's list and no one was brave enough to call him out on it." Tobias deadpans with an expression that hints this may not be the first time this has happened. Flashing the teachers (students??) standing outside the entrance their invites he leads the way inside. Music booms and lights of all colors race along the walls around the large dance floor, the prom already in full swing. Using his height to his advantage Tobias scans the scene until he spies a collection of tables absolutely loaded with snacks and foods on the other side of the room. "Figures it'd be on the other side." he mutters in slight annoyance. Guess they'll just have to fight the crowd. "Oh well. C'mon lets get some food in you first." He pointedly wraps his arm around her, gently brushing her fingers off the scar, and guides her around the edge of the festivities. It's a bit tight with the entirely of Beanville crammed into such a small space but they soon make it to the food tables. "Oh nice." Quick as a fox he snatches up some cheese cubes and pops them in his mouth before grabbing up some cookies to offer Sharla.

"Why would he even want to be at this sort of thing? It seems lame compared to uh. . .his weird ducktape rockets or mind controlling ants." She murmured dreading what Emm would put into the punch. She hoped no one suddenly turned into a chicken. She perked up as Tobias seemed to have the food table. Thank god, she needed to take her mind off the dense amount of people in the room. While she tried to hide her discomfort, Tobias had a knack for picking up her worries as he pointy brushed her hand off her scar. None the less she whined faintly which couldn't be heard under the boom of the music. The longer their struggle to get to the food table Sharla kept glued to his side avoiding the large crowd as much as possible. Finally she could see the table in the distance, but she didn't feel as hungry by only taking one cookie for herself vs her usual stuffing of three or four. Tobias could see her inching to between between his coat and himself as if trying to hide from the hoard of people."Do you. . .wanna dance Tobi?" She asked hesitantly though by the slow nibbling on her cookie and her avoiding looking at the crowd her own answer was obvious. She still wanted to put in a brace face do he could have a good time at least.

Just the one? He waits a few more seconds just to make sure, but when Sharla doesn't take any more he pops the other cookies in his mouth, idly scanning the crowd to allow Sharla to slowly nibble at her treat. One step at a time Tobias.... He almost misses her question, bending down to hear her over the boom of the music. "Sure, why not. Haven't in ages." he answers with unusual pep and before she can protest takes Sharla's hand, leading her out to the middle of the floor. It's a bit of a slight squeeze but they find a fairly spacious spot to stake claim upon. Once there Tobias doesn't hesitate to guide her arms up around his neck while his snake around her waist, cleverly blocking any way for her to cover up the bothersome spot on her side. "This is nice, can't remember the last time we danced like this. We should do it more often." Tobias notes with a content hum, gently urging her to match his easy steps.

Damn the music was loud, Sharla had to stand on her toes to repeat her words back to Tobias. She took her time with her cookie, but a bit too long as Tobias quickly agreed to dance. He took her hand, and as if suddenly having a gust of energy, dragged her to the dance floor cookie held in her mouth. A muffled protest emits from her though its impossible to hear over the boom of the music. Curse her tiny size, she couldn't slow Tobias down as she wiggled a bit until she found herself on the dance floor with her sweet treat dangling from her mouth. A bit frazzled at the sudden shift in Tobias she could only finish her cookie as Tobias guided her arms around his neck and poise the two for a dance. "T-Tobi you didn't let me finish eating!" She squeaked giving him a weak pout to show her distaste for his sudden change. Pout aside she had to focus on where her feet were after Tobias lightly hit his shoes against her heels. Wait could anyone see her scar? Damn it,Tobi had his arm in the perfect spot to keep her form checking! "It would be nice if you gave me time to adjust, you meany. We watch monster movies and eat fried chicken, dancing is just for special things anyways." She huffed though had a bit more force behind it. Her sour expression didn't last long as the music seemed to soften into. . .slow dancing? Now that was a surprise. Sharla grew a bit more relaxed as they swayed through the song before she finally spoke up, "S-Sorry I've been a bit. . . .quiet. I just. . .don't want people looking at me cause. . .you know." She murmured lowly hoping Tobias picked up on what she meant. "Thanks for taking me though, I know i'm a mess getting excited to go then suddenly hesitating."

He can't help the small chuckle that escapes him at Sharla's huff; there, that sounds more like her usual self. "Eh, maybe we should change that." he casually answers about the dancing, resting his chin on the top of her head. "Why save it for special occasions? Going out on a romantic cliche limb here but everyday with you is a special occasion." As the music changes to something more mellow he can feel Sharla slowly begin to relax, though her fingers fidget with themselves. He waits patiently until she finally gains the courage to speak. "No need to apologize. You're still healing; lot of shit to still sift through." he gently reprimands her before shifting to rest his forehead against hers. "You want to know something though? I like it." She doesn't understand what he's meaning until he strokes his fingers over the scar on her side. "It helps remind me to appreciate you more." It's a bit of an odd statement, over the course of their relationship Tobias wasn't one to exactly hide his affection for her. However ever since the accident there has been something different about him. His hugs are warmer, caresses are softer, kisses are sweeter. That day... it really put things into perspective. "So please, can you enjoy tonight?" His voice is but an earnest whisper and he gazes at her with gentle plea.

A small puzzled hum came from her at Tobias's comment quirking an eyebrow in question though he couldn't see it with his chin on her head. "I don't see why we should, we have plenty of things to do." She rebuttal trying to peer up at Tobias to no avail. However, maybe it was for the best he wasn't looking at her as his next comment colored her cheeks red."Y-You're such a cheese ball." She mumbled her voice barely heard under the music as she tried to cool her cheeks. After admitting her faults with the dance Shala felt like a child with her insecurities, why was she like this? Tobias didn't care and no one else seemed to, so why did she? God she really was a mes-The thought stopped dead as she felt a jumped slightly at the gentle touch.He. . .likes it? The confusion shined in her eyes plain as day until his fingers touch the very thing keeping her from enjoying herself. To recall the memories were painful and the scar was only a reminder of it, for both of them. While the months of recovery have been easy the mental wounds were still fresh. She would be lying to not notice how gentle Tobias has been with her since then as if appreciating her being there just a bit more then before. Unknowing to her tears begin to form around the corner of her eyes until she sniffled to push them back," I-I'll try. . .only if you promise we get midnight sundays afterwards." She wagered managing to crack one of her classic smiles as she gave Tobias's hand a gentle squeeze.

The heartbeats waiting were almost painful, but they were well worth it hearing her answer, a glimmer of her normal self shining through for the first time that night. Tobias lets out a breath he hadn't known he was holding and reciprocates her smile with one of his own. "I dunno... you barely ate your cookie..." he jests, letting out a chuckle as Sharla playfully swats at him. "Alright alright calm down, we'll get ice cream I promise. Sheesh." There, that's the Sharla he knows and loves. Feeling a bit in the moment he brushes her bangs away and plants a soft kiss on her forehead before taking her hands into his. "Well lets get a song or two in before we go. I can see my mom on the side with a camera so try to look natural okay?"