You're just delaying the pudding I hope you know

4 years, 6 months ago

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To: The Dork From: Duh, take a guess -The letter is a bit banged up from travel and covered in various stamps and postal signage from the multiple countries it had to travel through to get there, but otherwise it's alright. The letter itself is written on plain ol paper in sharp but very familiar hand writing-

I've been staring at this stupid paper for ages trying to figure out how to start it so to hell with it, I'm just gonna wing it. This is probably gonna be ultra late getting to you anyway. Tell Lucas to take you someplace with a name I can actually PRONOUNCE next time. Where you're at sounds like the name for an exotic cheese or something. Anyway..... yeah. I don't really know what I'm doing, but... it's almost Valentine's Day and I just... wanted to send you something. I'm not good with stuff like this so this is all gonna sound ultra cheesy probably. You can laugh at me later about it. But... it just hit me the other day that it's been over a year hasn't it? Since we met I mean. It's... super crazy to think about. It doesn't feel like that long, but if feels like so much longer at the same time. That makes zero sense but I don't know how else to describe it. It's like the moment I met you time just decided to crap itself, who knows. -there are a few lines where it looks like he wrote something then erased it a few times, there are eraser marks everywhere- I don't really know what to say, but... I just... want to thank you. For everything. From the moment I met you things just got... better. You put up with all my crap (for some reason), and I'm... super thankful for it. I don't get why, but even after all the stuff I've dumped on you, you still stuck around. You're always so supportive and understanding of me. You tell me all the time that I'm an amazing person, personally I don't see it, I've screwed up a lot, but you keep saying it anyway. I know you're not lying, so maybe there's just something in me that you see that I don't. I dunno. I'm still having trouble with all this. But... I guess what I'm trying to say is that... I'm really glad I met you. You're energetic, happy, hilarious, crazy, and everything in between. You drive me up a freaking wall sometimes and I swear I'm going to die of a heart attack because of you, but I wouldn't give that up for anything. I wouldn't give YOU up for anything. I don't know what god I pleased to deserve someone like you. Whenever we're together it's like I feel lighter. Doesn't matter what we're doing, going to the movies or getting ice cream, even just walking around this stupid city, I enjoy it because I'm with you. Some of my favorite days are just us chilling out at home, not doing anything special. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, I mean without you I don't know where I'd be right now. I love you Sharla. So much. And I miss you. It's hard without you here. Anyway I guess I'll just leave this here. Be careful okay?

The hermit, Tobias

P.S. You lost your plane ticket AGAIN. This is the THIRD TIME SHARLA. If you don't want to see me you could just tell me you know. It's fine though, you don't get to have any of this cake mom and I made so screw you. -attached is a picture of him eating a slice of said cake. It looks sooooo good too...-

P.P.S. Don't bother with the shark week stuff. You know neither of us will be paying attention.