Fruit Punch

4 years, 6 months ago

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It was more perfect than he could have ever hypothesized. Rabid eyes scan over the growing congregation and a grin filled to the brim with the upmost wickedness breaks across his face. His experiment worked! All his predictions and virtual simulations all concluded it would be a success but Emmett, in all his insane genius, was still blown out of the water by the grandio effect his little science project would have. It seems everyone had been turned into teens, just as he hoped! And all it took was a wee few drops of his special formula in the water supply to make it happen.

Straightening up Emm brushes dust from his outfit, a truly horrid abomination that would make even the most hardened fashonista gouge their eyes out. Being so smart he graduated from high school much quicker than the average bean, and unfortunately that meant he missed out on one of the most pivotal events school life had to offer: prom. Granted he admittedly has zero interest in the festivities, all the dancing and milling about are so utterly boring. He's always wanted to be a chaperone however, a fun teacher manning one of the many various booths for the simple excuse to pull horrid pranks on unsuspecting victims, and that's exactly what he's going to do. You may ask yourself: So you're saying this man spent countless hours and sleepless nights conjuring up a convoluted de-aging potion, sneaked into the water processing plant breaking several laws in the process, turned everyone in Beanville into teens, fabricated a make believe event to bring everyone together, ALL so he could have the chance to serve punch to a bunch of anxiety ridden teenagers? And the answer is quite simple: yes. Yes he did.

Ready to get this show on the road this madman strides into the school with all the confidence of a prepubescent 12 year old who just won his 5th Victory Royal in a row. Slamming the doors to the gymnasium wide he gains the attention of all the beans already enjoying the festivities, smile widening in great anticipation of the reaction he would get. Oh what a sight he is to behold, neon orange plaid pants that look like someone sucked the very essence of the 80's, injected it into a Mountain Dew Live Wire, and just dumped it. All is not lost however, you can always be distracted by the vibrant hot pink polka dot jacket that must have been torn straight from a Dr. Suess book. And to tie it all together, a dash of class: a gorgeous designer leopard print tie covered in no less that 2 pounds of gold glitter.

It's an outfit not even Lady Gaga could love. The music stops. A few beans shriek in horror. All the balloons spontaneously explode. One guy vomits into a trash can. He grins: he's completely abhorrent. It's everything Emmett wanted and more. Like roaches from bug spray the congregation flees, giving Emm wide berth to his prized punch booth. On first glance it's completely unassuming; a simple folding table topped with large bowls filled with various flavored drinks. However you should know by know who it is we are dealing with. The embodiment of pure chaos takes stand at his booth and, surprisingly, he stays there. It takes... an embarrassingly long time before beans cautiously make their way back into the event. A great deal of them pretend he isn't there, others eye him with mixtures of horror and disgust, but he doesn't mind. Just looking at their expressions each worthy of it's own meme Emmett is having the time of his life.

However it is only to be expected that his whole night wouldn't go uninterrupted. He knew most would be much to wary of him to try any of his drinks, which is why he enlisted some eager help. Now who would be insane enough to associate with such a raging psychopath? His equally unstable wife Peaches of course! As if on cue she appears from the crowd, a vibrant eyesore in her florescent yellow Doge patterned jumpsuit. Atop her head rests a sunhat 3x too big with lemon shaped charms hanging from the brim, ya know, just in case it gets too sunny inside. Ahead of her she encourages 3 poor souls forward to the booth.

"Flameo hotman!" Emmett greets the frazzled teens who look like they'd rather be devoured feet first by an army of leprechauns than speak to him. "Ya thirsty? We got flavors for every parched prom-goer!" He sweeps his arm over the array of bowls, each with a little title card in front showing the flavors. Berry Manilow Punch? Aside from the.... feathers?... it actually looks pretty normal. P!nk Lemonade, complete with pink dyed lemons styled (with hairspray and gel) to look just like the artist's hair. There's Sub(Lime) Punch.... now that just looks like someone took the dye from green skittles and poured it into pineapple juice I think there's an actual skittle sitting in the bottom of the bowl. And then there's... oh come on... these are just bowls of straight up orange juice and... is that hot sauce? Needless too say absolutely none of it looks the least bit refreshing and the poor kids seem to grow more nervous the longer they look.

"So??" Emmett urges with a Cheshire grin.

One brave soul manages to mutter, "W-we're actually not th-thirsty right now."

"OH but you will be later after all the dancing and dunking and dabbing." the madman reasons with wriggling brows before suddenly beaming, "Ya know what, I'm feeling nice so how about we let this one be on the house!"

Another of the teens waves their arms, "N-no it's totally okay we don't need a drink!" they plead but it was too late, Emmett was already pouring them brimming cups of questionable punch.

"That should do it! Here ya go!"

They don't know what's more disturbing, the concoctions or the smile of the man giving it to them. As if being handed live grenades the teens gingerly take the cups, offering up grins that make it look like they're trying not to crap their pants.

"Th-th-thank you! W-we'll enjoy them!" they mutter in unison, well except for one, that poor girl looks like she's been sentenced to death. Huh, maybe the punch will help.

"You are BERRY welcome, enjoy your punch! HA! PUN-CH! NYAHAHA!" Emmett breaks into obnoxious snorts as the group scurries away like a pack of rats.

Coming to stand beside him Peaches snickers, "I don't think they like the puns."

"Well I do." Emmett wheezes, brushing away a tear before shooting his partner in chaos a brilliant grin. "Great job making the punches! They're remark-apple!"

"You know I always do my best to bring your ideas to fruition." she remarks with a coy wink.

Giving her life long lab partner a peck on the cheek she dives back in the crowd. Emmett sits back and pulls out a candied orange peel to nibble on while he waits for her to return with more lucky attendees to share their beloved creations with.