Mister Quackers

4 years, 9 months ago

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Wind. Rustling leaves. Bird song. A chiming giggle breaks the ambiance coming from a young, bumbling child bounding without care through thick fronds of grass, each leaf delightfully tickling her legs with every step. "À la claire fontaine... M'en allant promener... J'ai trouvé l'eau si belle... Que je m'y suis baigné...." She hums, swinging her bountiful blue dress from side to side in time with the song. Expansive green reaches as far as the horizon on all sides of her, much different from the cozy village buildings that used to be around her old house. But she likes it very much. There are more flowers here and no roads to keep her from playing outside, like the pictures on the cover of her story books. "Il y a longtemps que je t'aime... Jamais je ne t'oublierai.... Oh." She stops, a shining glitter catching her eye. A pond, waters glistening in the summer sun. She smiles and stumbles toward it, humming to herself along the way.

Quaint waters trickle, inviting and cool, come closer to view as the young girl walks on unsteady legs to its shore. Reeds whisper in the breeze echoing a hushed gasp of delight, the girls eyes widening in awe of this magical place. Oh how lovely this is! It really is like one of her story books! Soft child's hands tentatively poke about the waterline and screams of delight erupt from her every time a small wave wets her fingers. "Sous les feuilles d'un chêne... Je me suis fait sécher... Sur la plus haute branche... Un rossignol chantait...."


A soft sound momentarily distracts the girl from her song, lifting her head to gaze about the quiet shores. What was that she wonders. She listens, but does not hear the sound again, so she goes back to her singing, "Il y a longtemps que je t'aime... Jamais je ne...."


There it is again! Certain she knew what she heard the girl stands, glancing around once more. Carefully she slides a dainty foot into the reeds, pushing her way through the thick fronds.


A soft, but sudden sound, and quite odd, like someone stepping on a broken child's toy. She follows the noise deeper into the foliage.


it's getting closer. Her heart picks up, walking with a bit more purpose.


Almost there. It has to be coming from somewhere in these bushes.


The girl stops; it's super close now! She has to be right beside it! Gathering her skirts to avoid dirtying them she crouches and stares into the stalks, listening intently. Nothing but the brushing of leaves and tinkling of water again, but she knows it's here. Gently she leans forward and parts the reeds.


"Ahhhh...." Misty eyes alight at the sight of feathers and she gapes with childish wonder, for before her lays a puffy, pale chick. It's feathers downy and eyes black and bright, stare right back at her without fear. The girl blinks. "H-hello monsieur." she greets the chick. Naturally, it simply stares back. "Was it you I was hearing before?"


The girl giggles and brushes fair blond hair from her face. "I see." she smiles. "Is this your house?" The chick blinks and gazes at the reeds surrounding it's nest as if noticing them for the first time. The girl hums, "Well I think it's lovely." Looking about it is only now that she notices the chick is alone. That can't be right can it? "Are you here by yourself?" she asks. "Where are your mère and père?" The chick gazes up at her, then to the reeds, where it lingers for a moment before hanging it's head. The girl tilts her head. "Are they not here?" The chick ruffles it's feathers and shakes its head, turning away. This strikes the girl as very sad. It's still a baby, it'll die if it stays out here all alone.

She ponders quietly. "Well that's no good at all. You need a family." A moment passes in which a very big decision is made. "Oh I know!" she smiles, earning the chicks attention. "How about you live with me?" The chick tilts it's head as she continues. "I am not a duck and don't know very many duck things, but my mère and père might will. They're very smart you see, I'm sure they will know how to take care of you proper. We have a big house just down the road, and there are loads of sweets for you to eat. We'd take really good care of you. Promise."

The chick considers her statement wearing an oddly serious look for a duck.


"Does that mean yes?"


The girl smiles. "Oh bien!" Bursting with excitement she gathers her skirts into a makeshift basket and with great care places the chick inside. "I'm so very glad you said yes. It's been quite lonely ever since we moved here. We'll have a grand time together." Taking care not to rustle the young chick she rushes back to her homestead as fast as her short legs can carry her.

"Mère mère!" she calls running into the house. "Johanna?" Deep within the small home come footsteps before her mother peers around the door frame. "Johanna dear what have you done to your dress?" "Mère mère I found a baby!" Her mother blinks. "Baby?" Setting down her cloth she goes to her daughter who excitedly taps her shoes. "Oui a baby! Look!" Gathering her skirts she raises them up to show her mother the small chick that lays soundly within. "It's parents are gone and it was all alone. Can we keep it?" she pleads.

"A duckling?" Johanna's mother gazes at the feathered ball. "Johanna, this is awfully sweet of you, but taking care of a baby is a lot of work. Your father and I already have our hands full and...." "I'll take care of it." Johanna interrupts,pulling the chick to her chest. "I know you and père are busy, but you have been teaching me how to cook. I can feed it and take care of it. Don't make me put it back outside. Please mère." The mother's brows knit, ready to assert that a baby duck is the last thing they need, but staring at her daughters pleading face, the will falls out of her and she sighs. "As long as you promise to take care of it yourself."

Johanna's face alights and she squeals in delight. "Did you hear that? You can stay!" she laughs, twirling in circles before stopping to look upon the chick in her skirts. "We're going to be very good friends you and I." she giggles. The chick gazes up at her, seemingly transfixed.


"You sure do like to quack a lot, don't you monsieur? That's what I'll call you then: Monsieur Quackers. Do you like it?" The newly dubbed Mister Quackers does much as you'd expect him too and quacks in answer. "It's settled then." Johanna cradles him in her arms and makes for the hall nearly burst at the seams. "You're going to like it here, I'm sure of it. We have stew and bread almost every dinner, and I have plenty of toys for you to play with. Are you hungry now? I've got some tasty crackers for you in my room! I'll take very good care of you, I promise!" Nearly bursting at the seams she takes her new found friend to her room going on and on about all the wonderful times they will have.