The things he does for his lady

4 years, 6 months ago

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"Come oooon it's not gonna be that bad. Besides all the food is iiiiiinside and I want caaaaake." "You go on, I'll stay out here." Eówyn lets out a huff and crosses her arms. "You're not staying out here, you're coming inside with me." "Nope, I'm good." "Jeriiiiiii...." Eó drags out his name in a sort of half whine half sigh, and she gazes up at him with mild pout. Jerico stands unfazed with his own arms crossed, looking about as unmovable as a mountain. "But we came all the way here already.... You even got dressed! In NICE clothes!" Eó waves at his attire as if that was some kind of point. "So you HAVE to go in. Besides this is Miss Akunna's house! You know her! It can't be that bad if she's there." "Yes... it can." Jerico argues, still not moving. Honestly he'd rather be anywhere than here. It's well into the night now, he should be out doing research, not sulking here at a party he never wanted to go to in the first place. This is ridiculous, and he's not going inside no matter how much Eówyn begs him. Eó must sense the challenge, for she narrows her eyes at him. Fine, he's going to play tough? She'll play tough back. "Jerico...." Her voice is much more mellow this time, and she gazes up at him under her lashes. ".... I really want to go inside. It looks like so much fun, and we walked all this way....." "No." Jerico frowns back, set in his answer. Now's the time to turn on the charm. Eó gazes at him sadly, knotting her brows and juts out her lower lip. "But please???" she lightly begs. Jerico narrows his eyes at her, he knows this game alright. "No." he says again. Eó pours in more of the charm, looking more pathetic and quivers her lip slightly. "Please....?" "No." Water pricks at the corners of her eyes, eyes glittering with unshed tears, and Jerico flinches. Oh no, not this. "Pl... please...." Eó asks again, sniffling. "Stop that." His command is met with more lip quivering and tears. Jerico begins to sweat. "C... come on. It's not even that cool looking anyway. Lets just go visit Slendy again like we said we would." More lip quivering. "O... o... or we can head to the diner and have dinner there. I'm sure your dad wont mind." More tears. Jerico is quickly losing his nerve. The moment a single tear finally breaks and makes it's way down her cheek he lets out an exasperated sigh, rolling his eyes and glares up at the moon. "Fiiiiiiiine...." "YAAAAAY~!" Quick as a bullet Eówyn's tears disappear and a giant grin splits her face ear to ear. Snaking her arm around his she practically drags him to the house, and before he knows it he's inside, cup of punch in hand, confetti all over his suit, and a stupid birthday hat on his head. "I hate this...." "Well I LOVE IT!" Eówyn ignores his obvious discomfort and laughs at him, wearing her own hat, and pecks his cheek. "Thank you Jeri~!" Jerico blushes and he looks away, trying to hide his face in his jacket. "I... it's not that bad I guess...." "Just stay away from Emmett." Eó offers and Jerico nods. "Yeah, stay away from Emmett. Always stay away from Emmett."