Cody and willows adventures

4 years, 5 months ago
4 years, 5 months ago
6 2673

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 5 months ago

Follow the adventures of the young pups as Cody makes mischief and willow tries to stop him

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The first adventure

Written by wild wolf

First Adventure

“C’mon Willow! Just for awhile!” Cody begged, trying to drag his sister with him. He already planned on going on this adventure for a long time, and Mar, his mum, finally said yes to Libra’s yoga lesson, a painful torture if you ask him. Mummy enjoyed teaching others about it, though she might not be the best teacher. This allowed him and Willow to be able to sneak into the woods. Willow was larger than Cody so it was nearly no effort to sit still. “But you know it’s dangerous!” She exclaimed, “Besides, you’ve never been to the woods! What if we get lost?”. Cody chuckled.
“Don’t worry, I stole this map from mum’s closet and besides, isn’t the thrill of the adventure is the fact you have no idea where you are?” He said as he pulled out a tattered, old map. Willow can clearly see an area that glowed red on the right corner of the map. “What do you think that place is?”. She pointed at the red area and Cody shrugged. “So are you coming or not?” He asked. Willow sighed.
“Fine, but only since you’re to knuckle-headed to even take care of yourself,”.

A few minutes after (Willow insisted on packing up supplies in case they get lost or hurt), the two pups set foot to the unfamiliar woods. “Woah,” Cody muttered. He loved the many exciting new smells as they walked past twisting trees, including squirrel. His favorite of scents. Willow, however, was having less fun. She kept pondering the same thoughts over and over again. ‘What if we get lost? Or hurt? Or maybe even killed!’ She thought. She carefully followed Cody, making sure she stepped in every single place he stepped. He would’ve asked Cher brother all her questions but fear of the wild animals locating her because of her voice took away her usually proud voice. “Hey Willow? I think we’re getting closer towards the red part of the map,” Cody said. Willow caught up with him to peek at the map. Sure enough, they were close. Close enough to smell the hot breaths of the wolves in front of them.

Mar perked her head in realisation. “Libra! Isn’t it strange that it’s so quiet? Especially since Cody is quite loud,” Mar exclaimed. Libra’s face read fear but she tried to put on a calm look. She counted to ten in her mind and said, “You’re right love, we should check on them,”. Before she even finished her sentence, Mar was already out the room. Libra tried followed her but heard cursing downstairs. “Oh no! I knew it! They left! Libra, we’ve got to do something” Mar cried. Libra was alarmed now. “C’mon then, love, we’ve got to get our stuff! I bet you they’re in the woods,” She said as she grabbed her bag. Mar grabbed hers too but went to her room. “Oh shoot!” She said, “They’ve got the map too! They have to be in the woods,”. The two parents shot out and ran through the shrubbery, ignoring everything except the scream of Willow.

“Aaaaaah!” Willow squealed, “Cody! It’s a wolf,”. Cody was already in front of Willow, trying to protect her. “I could tell Willow, it’s not that hard even for a “knuckle-head” like me,” He retorted. A wolf dove at them but Cody used his powerful body to push it aside. But not without getting scratched on the hind leg. “Youch!” He whimpered, turning around to lick his leg. Sensing he was injured, a second wolf dove at Cody. Fortunately, an unknown force knocked it down while a familiar voice shouted, “Not my pups you won’t!”.
“Mum!” Willow cried. Libra ran to the two pups as Mar attacked the pack of wolves savagely. “You took my one and only but I’ve learnt my lesson. THERE IS NO WAY YOU WILL HURT MY PUPS!” She yelled. A wolf nipped her paw but she ignored it, pulling it to the ground and kicking another that tried to sneak up on her. Finding it useless, the wolves retreated. “Willow! Cody! Are you two okay,” She asked. Willow nodded and Cody copies but bit his lip as he tried not to yelp in pain. Mar came towards Cody and took out the first aid kit Libra had packed. “You’ll be fine my good boy, you’ll be fine Cody,” She comforted. She placed a bandage onto a Cody. Libra walked up to Mar and tended to her wound too. “I-I’m so sorry mum,” Willow started but Libra out a paw on her lip. “Don’t worry love, though you two will be ground for weeks,”.
Cody tried to complain but what came out was a sharp whine. Libra lifted a Cody onto her back and gestured for Mar to follow as they headed back home.