valor's a weak ass bi--

4 years, 5 months ago

never thought i'd get writing of them so soon i love them

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Emily stares at her girlfriend, a rather unimpressed look on her  face. She doesn't know how long they've been stuck in this situation,  and although it was funny at first, it was now just starting to become a  nuisance. With her patience slowly dwindling with each passing second,  Emily finally decides to speak up.

"Do you need help with that?"

Virgilia shakes her head and flashes her a reassuring grin. "No, no, I got this."

Although  that's what she said, the lid of the can she's currently holding isn't  budging at all. It looks like she's really struggling with it, and Emily  breathes out an exasperated sigh. Knowing how Virgilia tends to behave  under pressure, no matter how slight, she begins counting down to show  that she's no longer having any more of this nonsense.


Virgilia frowns. "No, wait, hold on!"


"I almost have it!" she exclaims, when in truth, she hasn't succeeded with anything at all.


The  volume of Virgilia's voice starts to rise as she begins to panic. The  two of them had made a bet. It was meant to be a joke in which Virgilia  needed to open a jar without her magic, or in Emily's words: "cheating".  Of course Virgilia accepted such a challenge, having complete faith and  confidence in her own abilities, but alas, that confidence amounted to  nothing.


Is this it? Is this Emily's victory?


"--HA! I GOT IT!"

Despite  Virgilia's excited and proud face, Emily looks rather peeved instead.  She takes a deep breath before accusingly pointing her finger at the  magician. "YOU CHEATED! YOU USED MAGIC!!"