[Secret Santa Exchange] Chamalaeon

4 years, 4 months ago
1497 3

I got Cham again for my SS <3 I have written with Halo again for this event <33 I hope you like ; w ; its about Halo and her friend Nerida on Christmas spending time down in the Delta-Region with her father and mother who came down from the Astroid to spend Christmas with everyone.

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It was the day before Christmas and Nerida just arrived in the Delta region, in the request of Halo's Father and also Mother, Nerida travelled quite far from the ocean region to help Halo's father set up everything for Christmas since Halo has been so busy with the mushroom farm on the astroid in Hyperspace and her father couldn't enter because him being too weak to come from the cure Nerida was still extremely wary of Halo's father telling Halo that they were tormented and physically abused by two corrupted dextro. 

Again, Nerida set aside their judgement on the cure and corruption because this was for Halo, Nerida gotten became good friends even though they were both shies. However, Nerida is learning to take the initiative and make friends also though they still stutter a lot when they get incredibly nervous or social anxiety get the better of them.

Halo's father came up to Nerida which made them squeak in fright, as the clutch their chest breathing loudly, Helle scratched the back of his head doing a nervous chuckle "Ahh, Sorry Nerida did not mean to scare you there I wanted to see if you needed any help with anything?"

Nerida blushing, but giggled softly after their racing heart stopped racing "Oh no not at the moment but perhaps I do have something that is in need of your talents, Halo told me you're a toymaker? Perhaps try to make something for Halo? like a miniature mushroom farm or something, she would like?" 
Helle tilted his head as he started thinking "Ahh thank you! I know whats to make even for the others as well"
Nerida smiled, then suddenly a bright idea came to them, putting their webbed finger up like someone had a brilliant idea "Perhaps you can dress up as Pelznickel, for the children and hand the toys, I can even get the Gextro that are in the shelters in delta region to pull the carriage?" Helle clapped his hands in excitement "That's a brilliant idea, Halo will love that, so will the other children!!" he ran off to his workshop working on gifts for the children and a gift for his daughter that would love, while Nerida continued setting up the fern tree and decorating that the children made for the tree to hang, using the hyper/delta region's mushrooms to hang + Abyss region mushrooms since they glow like lights on the tree, they also got the seamstress to design a dextroluma Pelznickel outfit asking the Air region dextroluma that came to Delta region to see this event that rumours were flying around hopefully Halo hasn't caught wind of the Dextromas Typhon Nerida's long life partner had sent mountains of dishes for the Dextromas event in the Delta region, Nerida wished he was here but he had to work at the Restaurant because it was extremely busy for them.

after six hours later, the seamstress brought out the suit that would fit on Helle for being a Pelznickel, it was a greenish suit with white fluffy silk trim around the hand and on the suit itself and for the gloves was made of special made leather from the creatures from Rainforest Region same with the boots which was a brownish colour, Nerida called over Helle to try it on and suit and it was a perfect fit but something was missing "Hmm..." Nerida hummed quietly as they thought something "Oh I know! What's missing a rounded stomach I heard rumours of time that humans were on the planet and talked about a creature that had a big belly and would do this strange sound? what was it? Oh Oh Oh??" Nerida shrugged but ran back into Helle's house and bought out a pillow and stuffed it under the suit's top making it seem he has a large belly putting a silk-like white beard on his face which stuck on perfectly since silk was sticky Nerida smiled "Perfect! Everyone would love it!" 
Helle looked in the mirror that was brought to him and laughed a hearty deep laugh that shook the belly Nerida giggled blushing slightly "The event is about to start let's get to positions!" and sure enough everyone in the region, plus Halo and her mother Mrs Caelitori, Halo was confused whats going on and curious why there was a tree decorated with children made ornaments and mushrooms for lights Nerida walked from behind the tree just as everyone was looking around puzzled and the children were getting excited, Nerida smiled wide and walked up to Halo with a shy hug, "S.s..surprise! I made a special Dextromas Christmas Party, for you and your family!" next section Halo hugged Nerida nightly same with Mrs Caelitori which made Nerida blushed brightly Nerida showed Halo and all of both Delta and Hyperspace region along with Halo's mother, having such fun eating all the food that Typhon had made and Nerida travelled so far to bring and it took from the crack of dawn to set it all up and suddenly a deep "Ho! Ho! Ho!" while a jingle of bells was sounded then a squeaking of the Gextro's squeaking as they bought a dextro in a suit which Halo recognized even with the beard and all was her father she beamed so happy to have a friend to go all this trouble for her and her family for Dextromas, the kids started screaming in happiness as they gotten gifts from Pelznickel and towards the end of the night Helle who dressed up as Pelznickel walked up to Halo giving a might deep ho ho ho. "Ho ho ho! What we have here? A young lady? I hope you behaving all year!" Halo couldn't stop giggling and nodded and played along with her father "Yes, I have been good, looking after the mushroom farm and working so hard!" Helle gave the gift to Halo thinking, worried that she wouldn't like it, he worked all day for his little girl to receive his gift since they don't spend so much time. 

Still, thanks to Nerida and all of Halo's friends have been giving Halo time to spend time with the family and was mighty proud of having Nerida being a friend that would travel so far to do something like this for everyone, Halo opened it and had tears in her eyes and hugged Helle and whispered 'Thank you' to him the gift was of a small sunset coloured mushroom with spots on the top of it.
Which was a house with tiny little Fairy Dextros in them sitting there, with one of every region mushroom that Helle could fit on the little Fairy House, even though it was such a girly thing Halo still loved it,
she knew that her father worked so hard for this gift it was such a cute little fairy house she walked into Helle's house and set it on the table to it keep safe before joining the party, she grinned and shouted over the voices? 

"Nerida can sing folks!" Nerida went pale-faced when every eager expression turned their attention on them waiting with bated breath for Nerida to sing, Halo snicked and nudged Nerida in the arm and whispered to them "Oh! Come on; you have a beautiful voice! I even bought you water this time, so you don't sound like a dying Gextro" she said teasing sticking her tongue out, meeting Nerida, it helped the both of them to come out of their shell. More so Nerida but here and now Nerida would stutter when they get embarrassed, or anxiety rises, but Nerida breathed out and got on a little straight and coughed a little still nervous as all hell but Halo put her thumbs up "You can do it Neri-Neri!" A nickname that Halo gave Neri because she thought it is cute to call her friend that.

Nerida took a large draft of water and took a deep breath, it started shakily but as they continued singing everyone stopped talking and just listened Nerida's voice was like a siren but mystical and beautiful it would bring a crowd from anywhere.
Halo and her parents just sat there in silence listening to Nerida through the whole night until the fireworks sounded off, lighting the sky to signal the end of the night where everyone went home. 

Halo got permission from her mother to stay down to spend time with her father, Nerida said goodnight to Halo hugging her tightly as they set off travelling back to the Ocean region. Halo turned to her father and hugged him rather tightly "Merry Dextromas daddy, thank you so much for the gift it's beautiful." 

"Merry Dextromas dear Halo, for my darling daughter and to see her smile is my best Christmas present" as both Halo and Helle walked back into the house to sleep because for the day has ended and it was time to sleep for all dextroluma.

The End

Author's Notes

Sorry about the lack of grammar and such I have a learning disability so this kind of subject is rather difficult for me ; w ; I hope you still like it ; w ;  I hope so since you wrote about my Serenity I am a bit worried ^^;

I have written this on TH only, I don't like DA's format for writers I prefer TH's so I hope that's okay <3

Merry Christmas Cham from Australia <3 and of course surprise! I was your Secret Santa partner. I also want to thank you so much once again for writing such a beautiful and cute Christmasy story of my Serenity it inspired me to finish my part for you ; w ; lol and I hope it was okay to add Nerida as well ; w ; since they friends :) <3 AND SO SORRY FOR BEING SO LATE D:

I don't know what Dextro's would be called their version of Saint Nick so I looked other names for him xD


Halo © chamalaeon
Written/Nerida © Arch-Guardian-Angel
Dextroluma © Lunathyst


Typhon © SeaWitchGabbie


Word Count: 1,493 words