Vegas AU

4 years, 5 months ago
4 years, 5 months ago
4 7880

Entry 2
Published 4 years, 5 months ago

Okay so my friend and I made this idiot AU with our ocs and we just kept pumping out fanfics like there's no tomorrow

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Author's Notes

This one was written by me!

Juliette was finally left alone in a small room, black and barely lit, with rectangular mirrors in every wall and individual chairs enveloped in a soft but shiny black material. It kinda looked like a waiting room but, you know, fancier.

She sat down in one of the chairs and looked around, trying to fully process everything that had been happening. She wasn't one to slip up like this, right? I mean, everyone makes mistakes from time to time but… did she really fuck up this much…?

She stared at her own reflection just in time to see a faint sparkle on her ring. She had been fiddling with it without noticing, a newly acquired reflex. She pressed the ring with her fingers, now looking down at the real thing, and tried to slide it and take it off. She could remove it quite easily really, it wasn't that narrow, just a little tug and it would come right off, but still…

A predetermined melody rang, going on for a few seconds before Juliette finally reacted to it, standing up and patting all the pockets in her suit.

“Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck, I thought they had taken my phone! Where is the damn thing?! Where…?” She took a deep breath and stopped… slowly, she opened her jacket and pulled a flip phone from the hidden pocket, immediately answering the call before the muffled ringtone got too loud, someone could be alerted by the noise and she couldn't afford to give up this phone too…

Juliette only heard racket at the other side of the line. Her boss, Gretel, was still shouting at the top of her lungs in the background…

-Hi, hello! -Another one of her bosses spoke to the phone, clearly caught off guard- Uhm, hi! May you please pass the telephone to Miss… Mrs?...

-Sir, I'm…

-Ah, excuse me! There has been a recent development… I fear I’m not quite caught up, reckon a scary lady fancies my guard and I’m… wait, who… are you? How did you get that phone?

-Sir, it's Juliette.

-Oh, Julia!

-Keep your voice down -She whispered with a harsh tone and continued, cutting Hansel’s endless string of apologies- Can you please tell your sister to cut it?

-You can hear her, can't you?... She's been like this since they threw us out, but they don't notice her and that makes her more angry… Oh! I forgot, they dragged us away a few minutes back.

-They what?

-The guards escorted us outside the building right after they took you in… most of them were a bit rude but I met this very nice man that forced Gretel out first and when he came back for me he let me explain the situation and we walked together and had a nice little chat. He complimented my accent! It was fun

-I'm under the clock here in case you didn't notice.

-Sorry, I'm getting to it! I was just calling to ask you where you are…

-Beats me, I'm alone now but I don't know for how much longer.

-Do you know how we can get you out?

-I don't… I’m unsure if that will be necessary -Juliette looked down at the ring again, still on her finger- It’ll just be more problems for the both of you.


-It'll be alright, just, tell Gretel to calm down for a minute, she's not gonna convince this bunch to do anything for her, trust me… this is… something else we are dealing with.

-Yes I assumed that, but she keeps shouting at me about HR and how mad they will be and…

-Sir, my job is still to get you two safe, and right now the best way to do that is for you two to leave. I'll hold on to this phone for as long as I can but please do not call me again, only I'm allowed to call from now on, understood?


-Say yes


-Great. Now grab Gretel and Karine and leave as soon as possible, I promise I'll see you again… sometime.