How About it Sweetie?

4 years, 5 months ago

Meadowsong and Scorchstar have an important conversation.

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At night Tidalclan often had meetups to share news and talk about what had happened that day. Today was a generally slow day and Scorchstar couldn’t stop her yawns. She quickly finished her prey and stood up. She flicked her tail and bowed her head as she went to her den for the night. “Good night everyone.”

She curled into her nest closing her eyes for a second before she opened them again to watch through the vines at the gathering outside. The cream and white pelt that she focused on began to stand up and say her good nights. She was much more personable than Scorchstar and it took her much longer to say them, but eventually she was entering the den. She smiled softly ducking her head into the den and laying down next to Scorchstar.  

“You’re awfully tired tonight honey.” Meadowsong giggled as her mate tried to hide her embarrassment from the nickname. They never formally confessed their love, but Scorchstar never protested when she started using pet names. She’d even made her nest bigger and invited her to sleep in it. They were at the point now where Meadowsong would come in without being asked. 

There was embarrassment on her voice as she responded, “Today was tiring. I had to do dawn patrol and my brain can’t seem to settle down. It was so hard not to just collapse in front of everyone today.”

Meadowsong began to clean Scorchstar’s fur to calm her down, giggling as Scorchstar began to purr. “Was the question I asked last night on your mind all day?”

Scorchstar stiffened claws sliding in and out as she pawed at her nest, “Of course it was… It is a lot to think about.” She glanced at Meadowsong, not hiding her stress as she would with her other clanmates. She knew by now it was better to just let it show on her face before she guessed what it was and worried about her.

Her response was soft and caring. She knew that it was a stressful topic and it was clearly important to her, but she didn’t want Scorchstar stressing out over it. “I know it’s a lot to think about, and we don’t have to do it until you’re comfortable… but I think you’d make an amazing mother. I’ve been watching you lead this clan and you’ve never steered this clan wrong. You know what’s best for some cats before they even know.”

Scorchstar looked away, letting out a deep rumble. “What if I can not be as amazing as father was?”

Laying her head on her Meadowsong hummed, “Well…” She thought for a moment looking over her mate, “You’re not your father.” Scorchstar glared at her, “You’re your own cat. You can’t be worried that you won’t add up to how your father was because you’ll never be him. You’re Scorchstar. My amazing mate and I love you. I’m sure… our kits would too.”

Scorchstar was flustered, it was the first time that had been said out loud. She worked up the courage to look into her eyes, seeing that her words were very genuine. “I… love you too.” her voice trailed off at the end before she cleared her throat, “I love you. I want to have your kits!” 

Meadowsong threw herself onto Scorchstar laughing happily as she did, covering her face in kisses. “Thank you Scorchstar!”

The two of them rolled around in the nest laughing and covering each other in kisses. However it didn’t last long before Scorchstar stopped and let out a deep sigh, “But Meadowsong… I can not physically bring you kits. How are we going to have them?”

“About that… I may have been talking around… I found someone willing to help us.”

Scorchstar squinted, “Will that not be weird? For both of you?”

“Maybe a little,” Meadowsong purred, “but it’s a small price to pay to raise kits with you.”

Worried Scorchstar licked her forehead wrapping herself back around her mate, “I trust your judgement Meadowsong. Tell that young cat that I am personally in debt to him.”

Meadowsong let out a soft giggle, “I can’t wait to see their small little faces” she snuggled into Scorchstar closing her eyes, “Thank you for going on this life journey with me Scorchstar.”

“Thank you Meadowsong.” She laid her head down, brain finally able to calm down and she slept deeply.