Nocturne Rising

4 years, 5 months ago
4 years, 5 months ago
1 187

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 5 months ago

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A storm long past

We were once many, as innumerable as stars, breaking upon the wilderness like waves on the beach.  How could any force stop us, surely any demon would flee at the mere sight of us.  How wrong we were, and it was on that day that I learned the futility of this war.  The Gods only urged us to our doom.  If they were so high and mighty why was it us who has to shed our blood on the battlefield?  If they were so powerful why don't they come down from their lofty thrones and fight?  If there truly are Gods, then they are merely tyrant kings commanding their armies.  They truly have forsaken us if they even exist.

There are so few left from the old pack.  The Incense Marchers claim they did all they could.  Those who have survived have lost their minds, become possessed, or have merely seen the truth as I have, and become jaded with this world.  Many of my brothers and sisters are now dead or have joined the ranks of the demon hoard.  And the Gods grow quieter every day...