
4 years, 5 months ago

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Backstory: Alaska was orphaned at 2 weeks old, left on the doorsteps of a church in a very small town in Alaska. He had no records or information with him. He was wrapped in a blanket and left inside of a packing box. They searched for his parents using recent birth information from local hospitals but were never able to figure out who his parents were. An older woman that lived in the town took him in and helped to raise him. She had never given him a proper name, just calling him “boy,” or even a birthday to celebrate. When he hit puberty he changed into his wolf for the first time. It terrified her and made her afraid of him. The rest of the people in the town were also afraid of him. Everyone thought he was possessed by a demon. They were not aware of shifters and did not believe they existed. The woman that had taken care of him closed her home to him and the people in town would throw things at him or yell at him to leave. Eventually he left the only place he had ever known as home. Starving, scared, alone, and cold he changed into his wolf and ventured into the surrounding forest.

He spent months teaching himself how to live on his own and survive as a wolf. He traveled through the forest mostly and stayed in his wolf form. He would shift to his human form sometimes when the weather was warmer and he was deep in the forest away from anyone else. Once he reached his late teens he would shift to his human form and travel to neighboring towns to find clothing in donation bins or tossed out in the trash. He would spend time at libraries reading and continuing to learn as much as he could. He gave himself the name Alaska (not very creative, but he figured he was born there and lived there so it was good enough) since people had started asking him his name or requiring it (for things like a card at the library). He picked up carpentry skills and taught himself how to build things. He also read about cooking and baking and developed a passion for both as well. He picked up a part time job in one of the local towns at a small grocery store stocking shelves and doing inventory in the back. Once he had some money saved he started to gather materials and began putting his learned skills to work. He built himself a small cabin deep in the woods with a beautiful kitchen. Once the cabin was mostly finished he focused his time on cooking and learning more about that. He would make new recipes as often as he could. After a while he decided to leave his grocery store job and go to the town closer to his cabin for work. He got a job working for one of the restaurants in town, as a line cook. He spent a few years working there and living alone in his cabin. He spent most of his time reading, cooking, and making random furniture, etc. just to keep his skills sharp. After a few years of the same routine his wolf became restless and would push him for more time so he could wander. Even in his human form he felt empty and void of life. He would spend hours on end letting his wolf run, preferring that to the heightened emotions he felt as his human. Despite loving his cabin and the woods around it, he felt like it was time to leave. He packed up as much as he could carry and what he thought he would need and set out to find a place that felt more settling to him. He traveled for months from town to town but never felt like there was a place for him. At that point he felt he needed to leave the state of Alaska and venture further out. He has been traveling from location to location ever since, still searching for the right place to call home. A place that settles both him and his wolf and feels right. He picks up odd jobs here and there to keep some money in his pockets. He sleeps in his wolf form in forests or parks most of the time. He never stays in one place long enough to pick up a real job or pay for a place to stay, aside from a hotel for a few nights sometimes.