
4 years, 5 months ago

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Backstory: Noah was born the smallest of his siblings. He was one of three, having a brother and a sister. His brother was large, vocal, and outgoing. He was trained to be a leader, to be strong, and to fight smart and well. His sister was smart, sweet, feminine, and though she was larger than Noah she was dainty. His sister took on a listener role, being friends with everyone and a social butterfly. Noah didn’t quite fit in with anyone. He mostly kept to himself. If he wasn’t watching a movie or tv show then he had his nose in a book or writing or drawing. He lived in his fantasy worlds as an escape from reality. He was picked on and beat up often growing up. His notched ears show the extent of the abuse. His family tried to get him to learn how to fight enough to stand up for himself but he was completely against fighting violence with violence and refused. His sister tried to stand up for him as much as she could but it didn’t little good.

Noah adored words and wanted to learn as many as possible. He would read anything he could get his hands on. Even outside of school or during summer break he was still researching and reading; trying to learn as much as he could. Because of the bullying he went through he never developed proper social skills. He is awkward around others and very nervous and deeply uncomfortable. He is also a hopeless romantic but has never been able to flex that muscle having never had a significant other to dote on, let alone a friend. When he reached his early 20’s he moved away from home. He wanted to get away from the bullies that still verbally assaulted him and the memories. He moved to another state and rented an apartment. He also got a job working for a publishing company where he sits in his office and reads manuscripts to find books that will sell if published. His job allows him to read and keep to himself mostly. Outside of work he is a true homebody, he stays in the confines of his apartment most of the time. Unfortunately, he is still without any friends, and his awkwardness and shyness has only gotten worse as he has gotten older.