
4 years, 5 months ago

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Finn is arrogant, coming off as cocky. He's clever, perceptive, articulate, witty, and extremely well mannered. He is a perfectionist and very competitive; he hates to lose. Finn likes to be in control of everything and is very disciplined and strong willed. He is also impatient and tends to lose his temper if made to wait too long. Well-spoken and proper, he appears to be a gentleman. Finn holds himself as royalty in all situations and demands attention as such. He's handsome and knows it, he uses it to his advantage. Very untrusting, if he's lied to, wronged, or hurt he turns cold. He shuts down, his eyes turn glacially cold and his words bitter. He cannot properly deal with his emotions. He was taught the proper words, mannerisms, and etiquette but not how to deal with emotions. He seems to feel nothing most of the time.

Design Information: Pending

Backstory: Finn was born the son of a Duke. His parents cared mostly about appearances and money. He was sent to the best schools and expected to always do what was best for the family. Taught to be selfish, greedy, and to always want the finer things. His family was cold towards their staff. They talked about the servants and other families or so called friends behind their backs. They looked down their nose at nearly everyone.

During one of the family hunting trips Finn was attacked. He managed to get away but not without several clawed gashes and bites. The wounds healed quickly but soon after he started to notice changes. He started to feel an internal duality and restlessness. Quickly after that he found that the animal that had attacked him was a shifter and that he was a changed shifter himself. His inner coyote wanted out often so he got used to changing near the garden behind the house. One day one of the servants saw him in his coyote form. His father issued an order for the coyote to be caught and killed. Finn knew that he wouldn't be able to stay there if he couldn't shift and shifting would be too risky so he had to leave his home. He moved from Europe to the United States. He has been on his own ever since. He is very wealthy from making the right investments. He lives alone, in luxury, in a large condo. He beds any pretty girl that shows him interest. Finn buys real-estate to make money (he owns several corporations, restaurants, hotels, and apartment complexes). He also gives large amounts to a few different charities, regularly. His life is mostly routine, easy, and boring.