Okuraz's Backstory

4 years, 4 months ago

Backstory for Oku. The angel and Demon realm is called Henzil. Earth is called Alruna. Countries and stuff are the same but we make up some town names.

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     Okuraz was made March 20th, 1800. He doesn't remember much about his time in Hell anymore. He only spent eight years there. During those eight years, Oku became known as the mischievous, flirty demon who ran a pretty damn good paper for angels and demons. He flirted with most of the demons in Hell and eventually flirted with Lucifer himself, and called him Luci. That paper, named Heavenly or Hellish, was the only thing that saved Oku from Lucifer killing him. Lucifer instead kicked Okuraz out of Hell and told him to live on Alruna. Oku was fine with this and packed what he wanted and found a home in Wales. He was sent out with only the very basic training. He didn't even have a higher up as a boss! Oku was on his own when he went to Alruna.

     He traveled in Wales for about ten years. He didn't normally meet any other demons or angels, or at least he thought he didn't. He saw many different places, and would often stay in hotels for a few nights before continuing his travels. He learned basic skills, and found a new hobby with yoyos on his travels. One day, Oku started crushing on one of the demons working at one of the hotels there. He never did gain the courage to actually ask her out though. He eventually left the hotel when he heard about the States. Oku thought traveling there would be pretty fun, so he gathered his things and left for the US.

   Okuraz traveled the states and spent a few months in each he stayed. In 1850 he decided to take a short break in Lumeria, Florida. He'd been doing restaurant and little shop reviews for his paper and had asked for requests. The most popular request he looked into was a small shop called the Sweet Treat. He was reluctant to review it since he really doesn't care that much for sweets, but he did it anyway for the fans. Oku got a couple sweets and pet the shop owner's cat, Revere. He went home to try them and next week the review was out. Oku mentioned he didn't normally care for sweets, but loved what he got! He went there weekly for three weeks to order some sweets. On the third week, Revere had missed Oku so much he tried climbing up Oku's leg. He ended up with a scratch and decided to fake how bad it hurt so he could get some attention.

     This action had led to many events the demon never thought would end up happening. First, the shop owner poured holy water on the wound to clean it. This caused Oku's wound to get worse and start burning. He fled under a table and his wings came out. He soon saw that the shop keep was an angel as well. After realizing that he wasn't getting killed, Oku talked to the angel, and learned that his name was Razael. Raz decided he needed a drink, and make both of them some Irish cocoa. After having some cocoa, Oku had an amazing idea. He touched one of Raz's wings, which caused Raz to panic. Oku then made a deal with him. Let him touch the wing now and he'll leave Raz alone. Or he's going to live with Raz until he gets to touch the wing. Either way he'll still come back as a customer. That was the day they became roomies.

     Even though the bet was completed in 1920, Oku had stayed with Raz. He grew attached to the archangel of secrets. They were besties, and Oku was crushing on him for quite a while before he finally confessed. In 1923, Oku of them set up a scavenger hunt for Raz. At the end, Raz found himself back at the shop, and Oku sang him a song. They made it official that day! In current times, Raz and Oku live in a castle in Thistleton. They live with six of their friends and are still happily together.