To Be Yours

4 years, 4 months ago

Asha dreams of watching his fathers church burn. He summons a demon and signs his life away as his first step towards that goal, as all normal people do.

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The fire hissed, cracking and spitting where it pulled at wooden beams. The flames were hot enough that they practically glowed white, rising up and clawing towards the sky. The small church was alight with hellfire, forever hungry and impatient. Asha breathed, but no ash clogged his lungs. This wasn't reality, not yet. He was sitting in his room, curled over symbols and holding a bleeding paw out. The demon could fool him only partially. This is exactly what he wanted, and it knew. Anyone else would probably be horrified by the imagery, but eyeing the cross silhouetted by white flames he could only feel joy. His unnerving grin slowly faded, fading into a low frown.

The sad part wasn't that the church was on fire-It was that it wasn't. The real building stood, proudly in the night. His chin dipped as he turned away, the darkness lit by embers blurring in his vision. "This could all be yours..." the voice of the demon was posed like the offer of a friend, the silence broken with his all powerful voice. Asha startled, eyes widening as he felt the breath of something that stood far taller then him rushed past his body. He couldn't see the demon, but he was sure it could see him. His heart began to race in his chest, the reality of his actions catching up to him as if the horror had been held back by a dam. He still didn't speak, remaining still as a rock, ears swiveling and eyes erratic as they followed what he couldn't see circling him. 

"But you need to do something for me first." The voice continued, a taunting edge rising with it. "It's simple, its easy, you do it everyday." The breath fanned over him again, most definitely deliberate. "Sin." The word was whispered directly into his ear, and beyond his passive stance he couldn't help but flinch away and shake his head. "Sin, with my name attached. Worship my name, hold it like your father does a cross-Bear my name upon your back, hear my voice in your ears, become the perfect vessel." 

Asha's mind spun and his eyes widened as he stuttered his first words to the creature "V-vessel? You want to possess me?" The harsh biting laughter of the demon cut through him like a knife, rumbling the ground with its force. The flames of the church seemed to dance even brighter.

"Possess such a worthless sack of mortal flesh? Why on earth would I do that." A short pause as the creature supposedly caught its breath from the laughter "No, a vessel of power. I will feed off of you. You will sin and it will fuel me, and only me. When you have fed me enough I shall rise to do what it is you seek." Asha tried his best not to whimper with fear when something pressed against his neck, likely its nose. He was being smelled like a string of pepperonis at a butchers. The demon continued, sounding more genuine than it had all night "I will guide you, lead you to greater things. Who knows, you may grow to be more use than I can see now..."

"I'll do it, I agree to your terms" Asha replied with confidence. This couldn't end well, there was no way. He didn't care anymore. As long as that church and everyone inside it burned, then so be it.

It laughed into his neck, a far softer sound. "You didn't even ask my terms, or lay a single rule... You could have signed me your heart, your limbs, your soul. I could take anything from you."

His eyes squeezed closed, and by the time he opened them he was in his dusty room, which felt oddly cold now that the visuals aligned. "I know. That's a risk I have to take"

"You really are a stupid mortal aren't you..."