αlpha Minecha's Beginning and The End

4 years, 4 months ago


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Her story begins like normal, a wandering human, her origins unknown, going from town to town questing to save their homes. Her companions, wolf and a cat, usually stay at her current town, ensuring their safety while she is away.

Minechα slowely begins having a reputation of local hero to all-round Legend. Statues are beginning to form of her, in decorative armour. She travels through the lush greenery of Univas, until she gets hit with a vision. 

The soft grass that her feet stood on became coarse sand, fiery red skies: a dragon appears in the distance, eyes glowing bright with their horns as sharp as knives. A sudden wind knocks her out of her vision and the warm grass suddenly returns, all is well... but for how long?

Minechα feels a sudden panic, her land is going to be destroyed by a mythical beast, folklore told of dragons, fiersome beasts of great power, who lay in slumber letting the world live in peace without their tyranny, She must stop this. She rushes to the nearest city, to a renowned blacksmith, and pleads him of a sword that can kill a dragon. She is greeted with a scoff, no man-made weapon can kill a dragon. 

Minechα feels defeated until she thinks of people who are not human, An elder of an almost forgotten race, who sits tiredly on an old chair greets her when she arrives in a heavily forested area. 

'I need a sword, one that can kill a dragon.' Minechα huffs in desperation.

The Elder opens her eyes toreveal pure white orbs, and looks at Minechα,

'You've seen something I can tell, I do have a sword... that can kill a dragon, it was passed on to me by my ancestors, it has killed many.... Such a beautiful sword.... and yet filled with so much death.'

Minechα begs her for the sword, it's to save her world from destruction.

The Elder nods with a meloncholy smile, she can see Minechα heart.... There's more to her than she knows. With a silk cloth wrapped around it, The Old Lady hands her the sword, there was almost a surge of energy felt through Minechα's veins when she touched the sword, a sense of longing overcame her, it's like she knows this sword...

'Why do you want to hold this sword though? Something that can kill you so easily?' The elder inquires.

'You said this sword can kill anyone, like any old sword, it's just this sword can kill dragons;

The elder is taken back with that remark, curiosity and confusion on her face.

'Do... Do you not know? You are holding a sword that can actually kill you now?'

Minechα is equally baffled by her question and reminds her that she knows of the swords power, and that she should take her leave, this quest is urgent. The Elder looks on mournfully.

Finally obtaining the sword, she is unsure of her next move, Minechα kneels on the floor to speak with her God.

'I know it was you who gave me that vision, I want to stop it, but how will I find the dragon? If I wait for it appear I might be too late?!'

She stops... What will she do? Her eyes fall to blade, she unwraps it to get a look.

Whata beautiful sword... Minechα reaches out her hand, to feel it, her fingers briefly touch the blade only to receive a sharp pain, blood is drawn.

'H-how? Is the blade so sharp a mere touch can slice?!'

She moves her hand closer to the sword again, without touching. It's like a reaction happens, the sword heats up and sizzles as her hand goes near. She looks amazed.

Minechα reaches for the handle and grabs it, then a sudden shock is given to her as she is launched back with a powerful energy. Minechα is knocked on to her back and feels like her mind is open, she see's things, it was so quick, she feels so different. She feels better.

An awakened feeling washes over her as she holds this sword in her hand, fierce and powerful, unstoppable with this blade, she places the blade on the wrapping again.... but the feeling has not vanished... It wasn't the sword? Minechα feels more to her, she looks behind her and grotesque wings are on her back causing her to scream.

'w-WHAT IS THIS?', pieces begin to come together and she rushes to the stream close by with the sword and looks. Her reflection decieves her.

'no this... this isnt me', Horns are on her head and her eyes are a brilliant blue. She isn't this, she is a human, what did the sword do!? Suddenly her mind comes together...is she... is she a dragon? But.. what if she's THE dragon? Does she cause all this destruction to the land? No she can't let it happen. Her panic overrides her, she can't do this to her home, the people there. She pleads to her God to help her. But perhaps the moon is too far away to hear her cries.

Minecha then spots the mountain, she must be heard there, with speed she never knew before, she rushes to the mountain, her wings help her as if it's so natural to have them. The moon shrine has been untouched by human for centuries. Minechα crashes onto her knees and cries out,

'Please hear me, what have a I become!? I don't want to destroy this land, I am not this! Help me'

A small light appears in front of her, then multiple. Silent wisps, they must be the Moon, she is heard.... She must protect the world and fulfill her quest. The frosy winds begin to envelop her, she has never been good in the slightest of cold temperatures.

'You will keep me safe, right? Help me.... fulfill my quest...' Her voice changes to realization. She takes the sword's handle. No energy waves overcome her this time, she puts her other hand over the blade to just hear it crackle with heat.... The sword has killed many, it doesn't lie... Has she always been a dragon? This would explain so much, her battles with enemies, leaving with only a few scratches, surviving supposedly fatal blows... Why did she look human for so long? Minechα thinks... she can't remember being anything but a hero. Why can't she remember where she came from? Why does her oldest memory just her waking up from a good nap, a wolf pup licking her face until she awakens. 

A familiar meloncholy smile appears on her face... as she turns the blade around and whispers,

'Protect me'

and she drives the blade through herself, her blood pools onto the shrine, and she collapses onto the cold floor. The wisps begin to surround her, a final breath is drawn and she disappears into the auras around her. Rising up into the night sky. A full moon is present.