4 years, 3 months ago

That what's always been on Zazz's mind. He was never really able to find himself at peace, which was strange since everyone he knew managed to love themselves.


February 2020 MAWP: "Your impim would rather spend the month treating themselves to much deserved self-care. Write about the time your impim spends caring and treating themselves with love. Do they go off to a far land to enjoy the sights? Do they stay at home and eat their favourite foods?"

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Zazz felt his whiskers twitch as he looked at his calendar, a dragon picture above all of the days and months. February. He never liked the month, all the love stuff made him feel... uneasy in a way. He did have someone he loved, yes, but he was always nervous to do things around him. Zazz would probably send him flowers and fruit later, but for now he needed something to do. Well, Mello always did tell him to take care of himself. Why not catch up on that now?

Zazz made a small list with a notebook, his handwriting poor and almost chicken scratch. He was burning the papers from the notebook he considered not to be 'neat' enough for his first step in self care: Has he eaten today?

"Uhm uhm uhm..." The Impim started talking to himself and pacing around in place before he stomped his foot down, tail unraveling. "N-N-No!" He announced to no one, making an X motion with his hand. He flipped through the pages, growing a bit nervous when he couldn't find the certain reference he put down. He grinned once he found it, his rampant ear twitching stopping.

"Eat...something..." He mumbled what was written, "Notice the quantity and how healthy it is..." Zazz nodded and set down the notepad, going over to the cauldron that was already bubbling with something inside. He reached for the lid, only stopping midway to get gloves. Zazz proudly giggled to himself before he finally took the cauldrons lid off, showing some bubbling soup in it. Zazz inhaled the smell, shivering a bit from the sudden intense scent.

He threw some extra spice in it, stirring the pot before he tapped off the excess that was on the spoon. Zazz gave the ladle an experimental lick, licking around his lips with a giggle. He scratched his hood, going to his front door and picking up some dirt from outside. Going back into his house he goes onto one knee, throwing the dirt onto the fire. It extinguishes after a few seconds and Zazz waits for a minute for the cauldron to cool. He hovers his hand over the pot, feeling the faint warmth it gave. Zazz pulls back his hood and closes his eyes, humming and enjoying the heat it gave.

The Impim shakes his head, going up to his cabinets and grabbing a bowl. He took the spoon from before and started filling the bowl, rather happy with himself. Zazz gathered some in his spoon, blowing on it before drinking it. He made an approving noise, his tail wagging as he scarfed down the remaining food. He wiped his mouth with his arm, looking down at the little bit of residue left on his arm. Zazz licked it off and went to get his notepad, grabbing it and flipping to the next page. One was torn out, but it thankfully showed the next page underneath it.

"Water?" Zazz mumbled, looking around. He got up onto his counter and got a cup, running the water while still on the kitchen counter. He waited for the cup to fill, staring at it as it got even more full. Zazz snatched the drink while spilling the contents at the same time. Thankfully it too much so Zazz started drinking it carefully, lapping the remaining up with his tongue. The Impim hopped off the counter, looking around for the notepad. He took the notepad once again, looking through it till he got to the end.

"Sleep...?" Zazz repeated, "Maybe." He mumbled, hobbling over to his couch.

"But Mello..." The Impim whined, knowing his 'friend' may be upset if he left him hanging. Zazz dropped the notebook, covering his face with his hands.

He felt strangely overwhelmed by that one factor for some reason, rubbing his temples with a groan. His whiskers jerk, Zazz should do something before he rests. Self care can wait, friends can't. Right?

Zazz shakes his head and went up to his room, in a semi sprint. He had ordered flowers for his friend, from a nice florist named Berries. He smiled once he saw the lovely display of flowers. In the bouquet was peonies, roses, red chrysanthemums, tulips, buttercups, and carnations. He sniffed it, enchanted by the smell for a moment before he scooped it up into one arm. Zazz turned to his bedside drawer, picking up a letter with a blue sticker sealing it. It had his classic scratchy handwriting, addressed to "Mello".

Zazz grinned and made it out of his house as quickly as he could go, the sun shining in his eyes. He basked in the light of day for a moment while he tried to locate the Impim's house. He recalled it was in a hillside near the beach, so he set sail to find the house! Zazz felt the hot sand against his feet but he couldn't really care, all that really mattered was if someone caught him doing this or not. Would people see him as... weird? He hopes not, because the last thing he wants is to be taunted by Midnight for the rest of his life.

He soon spotted a house that was shaded by the side it was built into slightly, the building having an amazing view of the beach. Zazz crept up to it, shaking his sandy legs once he got onto the porch. He couldn't help the blush that came onto his cheeks when he set the bouquet and letter, almost waiting for an instant response. Zazz got the sense knocked into him and he booked it back to his house, squeezing his eyes shut and gritting his teeth.

Zazz burst into his house, basically falling to the floor with a clatter. He stayed on the ground, tail softly moving as some sort of indicator he was still alive. He lifted his head lazily and got up, closing his front door. Zazz's eyes landed onto his couch which he promptly laid face first onto. He cuddled into a pillow and blanket, which both fell on him when he fell. Zazz felt his eyes slowly close, his mind full of very good thoughts. He slept with a soft smile, tail curling up the entire way.