DR | Crystal Light Fest (Henry)

4 years, 3 months ago

Henry's submission for the Crystal Light Fest!

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Henry grinned as he stromped through the booths. Usually he slept in until the late hours of the morning, but today, he decided to wake early. Instead of sleeping for twelve hours, he decided to sleep instead for a mighty eleven and a half hours instead, ohoho~ Sure, he was tired, but today was an exciting day! It was the day of the Crystal Light Fest! It was so famous that he even heard of it back home up north. He couldn't wait to see what amazing things there would be! 

Henry had to admit it, he had a thing for crystals and jewelry. It was a shame he didn't have a lot of dandy coins yet or else he'd just about purchase everything that caught his eye. One booth he kept coming back to was one that had a simple necklace with a beautiful warm yellow crystal hanging from it. The way it sparkled in the sunlight was breathtaking. It wasn't long before he caught the vendor's eye. 

"Do you like that one, sir? It's a natural citrine crystal. It's said to embody imagination and fulfillment of personal will." 

Henry raised a brow. He already was suuuper imaginative and had the will to move mountains. It wasn't like he needed any help, obviously. But it was pretty. And the price was reasonable. Perhaps that would be the one he would spend his money on. 

"I'll take it, ma'am!" He replied with a grin. 


It wasn't being mean to say that Henry wasn't more on the unempathetic side. It was not that he didn't want to be, he simply couldn't. He tried many times to understand people and their woes, but frankly, he just could not relate. So when he saw a rather dejected purple-haired fluffian hurry away from the booth where she was admiring a dress, his curiosity rose. 

Despite his rather self-centered attitude, Henry was more observant than he let on. He easily recognized that fluffian from the inn, which seemed to be growing in occupants day by day. It seemed she arrived before he did, but as each day passed, he always found her by her lonesome. And judging by the expression she had when she thought people weren't looking, she wasn't exactly happy about it. What was her name again? "Chocolate," or something like that. Cocoa? That was it! 

"Hey, hey you! Cocoa! Why didn't you get the dress?" He asked, though sounding more like a demand for an answer. 

Cocoa froze before turning around, as if it was the first time she heard her own name in a while. She stared at him owlishly for a few moments as if trying to process what he said. But Henry was an impatient snugbaby and he was not willing to wait! 

"You heard me, right? Why didn't you get the dress? I mean aren't you going tonight? You're going to need something to wear," he repeated. 

"N-No... I decided I'm not going to go tonight. I have no one to go with. I don't have any friends here yet," she replied softly and sadly. 

"Well duh," he replied with an obvious tone and a pompous shrug. "If you don't put yourself out there to meet anyone, of course you're not going to have any friends." 

She grew quiet and glanced away. Did he go too far? But as he mused of how to apologize, she finally opened her mouth. 

"Well, I would if I knew how to do so. No one ever taught me," she finally replied. 

Henry hummed before a thought finally came to his mind. 

"You know what you need? You need to be more confident in yourself. Don't worry, I can teach you. I can also give you this!" He pulled out his crystal and handed it to her, "I wanted it because it was pretty, but I think you need it more than me. If you're lucky, it'll make your will just as amazing as mine!" 

Before she could decline, he eagerly pushed it into her hands grinning brightly.  

"You don't have to go to the dance tonight if you really don't want to, but if you decide to stop by, you can hang out with me. I'm Henry, by the way!" 

Cocoa looked troubled for a few moments before giving a small smile. "I... am still not sure if I'll go, but if I do, I'll see you there? It's very nice to meet you too. Thank you for the crystal."

"Of course it's nice to meet me!" He replied with a laugh. "I'll see you there, Cocoa~"